- coinfection
- noun Date: 1974 concurrent infection of a cell or organism with two organisms • coinfect transitive verb
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Coinfection — In parasitology, coinfection is the term used to describe the simultaneous infection of a host by multiple pathogen species. In virology, coinfection can also refer to the simultaneous infection of a single cell by two or more virus particles. An … Wikipedia
coinfection — co·in·fec·tion .kō in fek shən n concurrent infection of a cell or organism with two microorganisms <pneumonia caused by coinfection with an orthomyxovirus and a streptococcus> co·in·fect fekt vt * * * co·in·fec·tion (koґin… … Medical dictionary
coinfection — noun Simultaneous infection by two viruses … Wiktionary
coinfection — co·infection … English syllables
coïnfection — n.m. action de coïnfecter … Le dictionnaire des mots absents des autres dictionnaires
coinfection — … Useful english dictionary
Hepatitis C — Classification and external resources Electron micrograph of hepatitis C virus purified from cell culture. The scale = 50 nanometers ICD 10 B … Wikipedia
Co-infection — En parasitologie, la co infection est l infection simultanée d un hôte par plusieurs agents pathogènes. Chez l homme, en dépit de l absence de données disponibles sur la prévalence globale, on estime ce phénomène très commun[1], voire plus… … Wikipédia en Français
Anaplasmosis — is a disease caused by a rickettsial parasite of ruminants, Anaplasma spp. The organism occurs in the erythrocytes and is transmitted by natural means through by a number of haematophagous species of ticks and flies. It can also be transmitted… … Wikipedia
Суперинфекция — В вирусологии суперинфекция (англ. superinfection) процесс, в результате которого клетка, изначально зараженная одним вирусом, коинфицируется через какое то время (en:coinfection) другим штаммом вируса или другим вирусом.[1] Вирусные… … Википедия