- xerophytic
- adjective see xerophyte
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
xerophytic — adjective adapted to a xeric (or dry) environment cacti are xerophytic plants xerophytic adaptations • Similar to: ↑xeric • Derivationally related forms: ↑xerophyte * * * xerophytic / fitˈ/ adjective Able to withstand drought … Useful english dictionary
xerophytic thorn — čanjaras statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Kserofitinių dygliakrūmių sąžalynas Argentinoje. atitikmenys: angl. chanar; scrub; xerophytic thorn vok. Chanar; xerophytisches Dorngebüsch, n rus. чаньяр, m … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
xerophytic plant — noun plant adapted for life with a limited supply of water; compare hydrophyte and mesophyte • Syn: ↑desert plant, ↑xerophyte, ↑xerophile, ↑xerophilous plant • Derivationally related forms: ↑xerophytic (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
xerophytic — See xerophyte. * * * … Universalium
xerophytic — 1. adjective Of, pertaining to, or being a xerophyte. 2. noun xerophyte … Wiktionary
xerophytic — drought resistant plants. Adaptations are designed to store what little water is made available and to reduce losses due to evapotranspiration … Geography glossary
xerophytic — xe·ro·phyt·ic … English syllables
xerophyte — xerophytic /zear euh fit ik/, adj. xerophytically, adv. xerophytism /zear euh fuy tiz euhm, fuy tiz /, n. /zear euh fuyt /, n. a plant adapted for growth under dry conditions. [1895 1900; XERO + PHYTE] * * * ▪ plant an … Universalium
Xerophyte — The Joshua tree is an example of a xerophyte. A xerophyte or xerophytic organism (from Greek xero dry, phuton plant) is a plant which has adapted to survive in an environment that lacks water, such as a desert. Xerophytic plants may have adapted… … Wikipedia
Cuban cactus scrub — The Cuban cactus scrub is a xeric shrubland ecoregion that occupies 3,300 km2 (1,300 sq mi) on the leeward coast of Cuba. Most of it occurs in the southeastern part of the island in the provinces of Guantánamo and Santiago de Cuba … Wikipedia