
noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: Latin, from consentire Date: 1843 1. a. general agreement ; unanimity <
the consensus of their opinion, based on reports…from the border — John Hersey
b. the judgment arrived at by most of those concerned <
the consensus was to go ahead
2. group solidarity in sentiment and belief Usage: The phrase consensus of opinion, which is not actually redundant (see sense 1a; the sense that takes the phrase is slightly older), has been so often claimed to be a redundancy that many writers avoid it. You are safe in using consensus alone when it is clear you mean consensus of opinion, and most writers in fact do so.

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • CONSENSUS — «Comment se forme un concours unanime parmi des individus séparés?» Envisagée de cette façon, la notion de consensus implique l’analyse des mécanismes et des procédures qui font naître la décision collective. Mais, derrière cette scène apparente… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Consensus — has two common meanings. One is a general among the members of a given group or community, each of which exercises some discretion in decision making and follow up action. The other is as a theory and practice of getting such agreements (for… …   Wikipedia

  • consensus — con‧sen‧sus [kənˈsensəs] noun [singular, uncountable] 1. agreement among a group of people: • The leaders failed to reach a consensus on the issue of trade barriers. • The talks are aimed at building a consensus. 2. the opinion that most people… …   Financial and business terms

  • Consensus — (lat. Übereinstimmung, Übereinkunft bei dogmatischen Streitigkeiten, daher auch Titel der betreffenden Urkunden und Schriften). Dazu zählt u. a. der zum Zweck einer Vereinigung der augsburgischen, böhmischen und helvetischen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • consensus — consensus, social consensus The term consensus refers to a commonly agreed position, conclusion, or set of values, and is normally used with reference either to group dynamics or to broad agreement in public opinion . Additionally, however, it… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • consensus — (izg. konsènsus) m DEFINICIJA suglasnost, pristanak 1. teol. slobodna, ničim iznuđena odluka muškarca i žene da sklope brak 2. v. konsenzus SINTAGMA consensus patrum (izg. consensus pȁtrum) teol. jednodušnost crkvenih otaca u nekom određenom… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • consensus — Note the spelling, not concensus. It means ‘general agreement’, and is often used (1) in collocations with of: consensus of authority, evidence, opinion, etc. (although consensus of opinion is strictly tautological), and (2) in more recent usage …   Modern English usage

  • CONSENSUS — (лат.) согласованность; consensus gentium, consensus omnium согласие народов, согласие всех, которое стоиками, Цицероном и философами шотландской школы использовалось в качестве доказательства. См. также Аргумент. Философский энциклопедический… …   Философская энциклопедия

  • Consensus (, ) — Consensus (consensus gentium, consensus omnium)         (лат.) согласие, общее мнение (согласие народов, согласие всех). Философский энциклопедический словарь. М.: Советская энциклопедия. Гл. редакция: Л. Ф. Ильичёв, П. Н. Федосеев, С. М. Ковалёв …   Философская энциклопедия

  • Consensus — Con*sen sus, n. [L. See {Consent}.] Agreement; accord; consent. [1913 Webster] That traditional consensus of society which we call public opinion. Tylor. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Consensus — (lat.), 1) Übereinstimmung, Vereinigung; bes. 2) bei entstandenen Streitigkeiten od. Trennungen innerhalb einer Confession, dogmatischer Formeln od. Schriften, zur Herbeiführung einer Vereinigung; so a) zwischen lutherischen u. reformirten… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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