
noun Date: 14th century 1. act or an instance of contradicting 2. a. a proposition, statement, or phrase that asserts or implies both the truth and falsity of something b. a statement or phrase whose parts contradict each other <
a round square is a contradiction in terms
3. a. logical incongruity b. a situation in which inherent factors, actions, or propositions are inconsistent or contrary to one another

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Contradiction — contradiction …   Philosophy dictionary

  • contradiction — [ kɔ̃tradiksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • contradictïun v. 1120; lat. contradictio → contredire 1 ♦ Action de contredire qqn; échange d idées entre des personnes qui se contredisent. ⇒ contestation, démenti, dénégation, négation, objection, opposition,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • contradiction — CONTRADICTION. s. f. Action de contredire, opposition aux sentimens et aux discours de quelqu un, discours par lequel on combat l avis d un autre. Cet avis a été reçu de tout le monde sans contradiction. Les grands n aiment pas la contradiction.… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • Contradiction — Con tra*dic tion, n. [L. contradictio answer, objection: cf. F. contradiction.] 1. An assertion of the contrary to what has been said or affirmed; denial of the truth of a statement or assertion; contrary declaration; gainsaying. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • contradiction — Contradiction. s. f. v. Opposition, contrarieté de sentiments. Cet avis a esté receu de tout le monde sans contradiction. les grands n aiment pas la contradiction. cela implique contradiction. On appelle, Esprit de contradiction, Un homme qui n… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • contradiction — I noun adverseness, antipathy, antithesis, assertion of the contrary, assertion of the opposite, conflict, conflicting evidence, confutation, contradistinction, contraindication, contraposition, contraries, contrariety, contrariness, contrary… …   Law dictionary

  • contradiction — ► NOUN 1) a combination of statements, ideas, or features which are opposed to one another. 2) the statement of a position opposite to one already made. ● contradiction in terms Cf. ↑contradiction in terms …   English terms dictionary

  • Contradiction — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Thrash Metal Gründung 1989 Website http://www.contradiction.d …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • contradiction — late 14c., from O.Fr. contradiction or directly from L. contradictionem (nom. contradictio) a reply, objection, counterargument, noun of action from pp. stem of contradicere, in classical L. contra dicere to speak against, from contra against… …   Etymology dictionary

  • contradiction — [kän΄trə dik′shən] n. [ME contradiccioun < OFr contradiction < L contradictio] 1. a contradicting or being contradicted 2. a statement in opposition to another; denial 3. a condition in which things tend to be contrary to each other;… …   English World dictionary

  • contradiction — [n] variance to something bucking, conflict, confutation, contravention, defiance, denial, difference, disagreement, discrepancy, dispute, dissension, gainsaying, incongruity, inconsistency, negation, opposite, opposition; concepts 46,278,665 Ant …   New thesaurus

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