- countercyclical
- adjective
Date: 1944
calculated to check excessive developments in a business cycle ; compensatory <countercyclical budget policies> • countercyclically adverb
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
countercyclical — coun‧ter‧cyc‧li‧cal [ˌkaʊntəˈsɪklɪkl, ˈsaɪ ǁ tər ] adjective ECONOMICS 1. not following the normal pattern of business activity, for example increasing when other activities are decreasing: • The aircraft engineering division will not be sold,… … Financial and business terms
countercyclical — [kount΄ər sik′li kəl] adj. designating or of fiscal policy that attempts to minimize extreme fluctuations in the business cycle, as by increasing spending and reducing taxes during periods of decline … English World dictionary
Countercyclical — Economics … Wikipedia
countercyclical — |kau̇ntə(r)+ adjective Etymology: counter + cyclical : calculated to check excessive developments in a business cycle : compensatory countercyclical budget policies of the government * * * /kown teuhr suy kli keuhl, sik li /, adj. opposing the… … Useful english dictionary
countercyclical — /kown teuhr suy kli keuhl, sik li /, adj. opposing the trend of a business or economic cycle; countervailing: a countercyclical monetary policy. [COUNTER + CYCLICAL] * * * … Universalium
countercyclical — adjective a) Moving in the opposite direction as the overall state of an economy The unemployment rate is countercyclical, its lower when economic health is high, and higher when the economic health is lower. b) Dampening the cyclical… … Wiktionary
countercyclical — coun·ter·cyclical … English syllables
countercyclical — coun•ter•cy•cli•cal [[t]ˌkaʊn tərˈsaɪ klɪ kəl, ˈsɪk lɪ [/t]] adj. bus opposing or designed to oppose a trend, esp. that of an economic cycle • Etymology: 1950–55 … From formal English to slang
countercyclical stocks — stocks whose price tends to rise when the economy is in recession or the market is bearish, and vice versa. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Антициклическая бюджетно-налоговая политика — (COUNTERCYCLICAL FISCAL POLICY) подход, в соответствии с которым государству рекомендуется прибегать к дефициту бюджета при существовании рецессионного разрыва и к бюджетному излишку при инфляционном разрыве … Современные деньги и банковское дело: глоссарий