- counterexample
- noun Date: 1852 an example that refutes or disproves a proposition or theory
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
counterexample — [kount′ər eg zam΄pəl] n. an example used to support an argument or claim that is in opposition to another argument or claim … English World dictionary
Counterexample — In logic, and especially in its applications to mathematics and philosophy, a counterexample is an exception to a proposed general rule. For example, consider the proposition all students are lazy . Because this statement makes the claim that a… … Wikipedia
counterexample — A counterexample is an example that refutes a claim about some subject matter. Switzerland is a counter example to the claim that all countries with armed citizens are dangerous. Notice that it is not a counterexample to the claim that some… … Philosophy dictionary
counterexample — /kown teuhr ig zam peuhl, zahm /, n. an example that refutes an assertion or claim. [1955 60; COUNTER + EXAMPLE] * * * … Universalium
counterexample — noun An exception to a proposed general rule; a specific instance of the falsity of a universally quantified statement … Wiktionary
counterexample — n. example that refutes a theory or claim; example used to prove that a statement is false … English contemporary dictionary
counterexample — coun·ter·example … English syllables
counterexample — coun•ter•ex•am•ple [[t]ˈkaʊn tər ɪgˌzæm pəl, ˌzɑm [/t]] n. cvb an example that refutes an assertion or claim • Etymology: 1955–60 … From formal English to slang
counterexample — noun refutation by example • Hypernyms: ↑disproof, ↑falsification, ↑refutation * * * ˌ noun Etymology: counter + example : an example that disproves a theorem or proposition ; broadly : an example that is inconsiste … Useful english dictionary
Minimal counterexample — In mathematics, the method of considering a minimal counterexample (or minimal criminal) combines the ideas of inductive proof and proof by contradiction. Abstractly, in trying to prove a proposition P, one assumes that it is false, and that… … Wikipedia