
noun Date: 1920 1. psychological transference especially by a psychotherapist during the course of treatment; especially the psychotherapist's reactions to the patient's transference 2. the complex of feelings of a psychotherapist toward the patient

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Countertransference — Countertransference[1] is defined as redirection of a psychotherapist s feelings toward a client or, more generally, as a therapist s emotional entanglement with a client. Contents 1 Early formulations 2 The middle years 3 The la …   Wikipedia

  • countertransference — [kount΄ər trans fʉr′əns, kount΄ərtrans′fər əns] n. in psychotherapy, transference in which the psychoanalyst or other psychotherapist substitutes the client for the original object of his or her own repressed impulses …   English World dictionary

  • countertransference — noun /kaʊntətɹansˈfəːɹəns/ The transference of a therapists own unconscious feelings to his or her patient; unconscious or instinctive emotion felt towards the patient. In my meeting with Dahlia, I found myself having a private… …   Wiktionary

  • countertransference — /kown teuhr trans ferr euhns, trans feuhr euhns/, n. Psychoanal. transference on the part of the analyst of repressed feelings aroused by the patient. [COUNTER + TRANSFERENCE] * * * …   Universalium

  • countertransference — In psychoanalysis, the analyst s transference (often unconscious) to the patient of emotional needs and conflicts from the analyst s past experiences or the analyst s current emotional responses to the manifestation of the patient s transference …   Medical dictionary

  • countertransference — n. transference from the analyst to the feelings of the analysand (Psychology) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • countertransference — coun·ter·transference …   English syllables

  • countertransference — noun the psychoanalyst s displacement of emotion onto the patient or more generally the psychoanalyst s emotional involvement in the therapeutic interaction • Hypernyms: ↑transference …   Useful english dictionary

  • Контрперенос — (countertransference) явление в психотерапии, когда собственные чувства, биография и ценности терапевтов скрытым образом влияют на их интерпретацию проблем пациента …   Общая психология: глоссарий

  • Modern psychoanalysis — is the term used by Hyman Spotnitz[1] to describe the techniques he developed for the treatment of narcissistic disorders. Narcissism is understood as a state in which unexpressed aggression and hostility are trapped within the psychic apparatus… …   Wikipedia

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