crime against humanity — crime against hu·man·i·ty: an inhumane act (as enslavement) committed against civilians before or during a war for which criminal liability is imposed by a domestic or international tribunal see also war crime Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law … Law dictionary
crime against humanity — n. a mass killing or other atrocity committed in furtherance of a program of genocide … English World dictionary
Crime against humanity — In public international law, a crime against humanity is an act of persecution or any large scale atrocities against a body of people, and is the highest level of criminal offense.cite web|url= against… … Wikipedia
crime against humanity — atrocity (as extermination, enslavement, or deportation under inhuman conditions) that is directed especially against an entire population or segment of a population on specious grounds and without regard to individual guilt or responsibility… … Useful english dictionary
crime against humanity — crime′ against human′ity n. law a crime, as genocide, directed against a people or group solely because of their race, religion, national origin, political beliefs, sexual orientation, etc • Etymology: 1940–45 … From formal English to slang
crime against humanity — a crime or series of crimes, such as genocide, directed against a large group because of race, religion, country of origin, or other reason unconnected with any individual s responsibility for having committed a criminal act. [1940 45] * * * … Universalium
crime against humanity — noun a crime, such as genocide, which is committed against a group of people because of their ethnic origin, religion, etc …
crime against humanity — noun A large scale persecution of or atrocity against a body of people … Wiktionary
(a) crime against humanity — a crime against humanity phrase a very serious crime that makes a lot of people suffer, often committed during a war Thesaurus: types of crimehypernym general words for crimessynonym Main entry: crime … Useful english dictionary
Crime against peace — A crime against peace, in international law, refers to planning, preparation, initiation, or waging of wars of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances, or participation in a common plan or conspiracy… … Wikipedia