
adjective Etymology: probably from French décasyllabique, from Greek dekasyllabos, from deka- deca- + syllabē syllable Date: 1771 consisting of 10 syllables or composed of verses of 10 syllables • decasyllabic noundecasyllable noun

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Decasyllabic — Dec a*syl*lab ic, a. [Pref. deca + syllabic: cf. F. d[ e]casyllabique, d[ e]casyllable.] Having, or consisting of, ten syllables. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • decasyllabic — /dek euh si lab ik/, adj. having ten syllables: a decasyllabic verse. [1765 75; DECA + SYLLABIC; cf. F décasyllabique] * * * …   Universalium

  • decasyllabic — /ˌdɛkəsɪˈlæbɪk/ (say .dekuhsi labik) adjective 1. having ten syllables. –noun 2. (plural) decasyllabic verse …  

  • Decasyllabic quatrain — is a term used for a poetic form in which each stanza consists of four lines of ten syllables each, usually with a rhyme scheme of AABB or ABAB. Examples of the decasyllabic quatrain in heroic couplets appear in some of the earliest texts in the… …   Wikipedia

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