
adjective (denser; densest) Etymology: Latin densus; akin to Greek dasys thick with hair or leaves Date: 15th century 1. a. marked by compactness or crowding together of parts <
dense vegetation
dense traffic
b. having a high mass per unit volume <
carbon dioxide is a dense gas
2. a. slow to understand ; stupid, thickheaded <
was too dense to get the joke
b. extreme <
dense ignorance
3. having between any two elements at least one element <
the set of rational numbers is dense
4. demanding concentration to follow or comprehend <
dense prose
5. having high or relatively high opacity <
a dense fog
a dense photographic negative
Synonyms: see stupiddensely adverbdenseness noun

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • dense — [ dɑ̃s ] adj. • fin XIVe; lat. densus « épais » 1 ♦ Qui est compact, épais. Brouillard dense. ⇒ impénétrable. Le feuillage dense des arbres. ⇒ abondant, serré, touffu. ♢ Une foule dense, nombreuse et rassemblée. Circulation très dense. 2 ♦… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Dense — Dense, a. [L. densus; akin to Gr. ? thick with hair or leaves: cf. F. dense.] 1. Having the constituent parts massed or crowded together; close; compact; thick; containing much matter in a small space; heavy; opaque; as, a dense crowd; a dense… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dense — [dens] adj [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: densus] 1.) made of or containing a lot of things or people that are very close together = ↑thick dense undergrowth/forest/woodland/jungle etc ▪ A narrow track wound steeply up through dense forest. ▪ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • dense — [ dens ] adjective * ▸ 1 with close things/people ▸ 2 smoke/gas: thick ▸ 3 person: stupid ▸ 4 not easy to understand ▸ 5 substance: heavy 1. ) with a lot of trees, plants, or leaves growing close together: dense undergrowth a ) containing a lot… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • dense´ly — dense «dehns», adjective, dens|er dens|est. 1. closely packed together; thick: »a dense forest, a dense fog. Dense patches of briers are difficult to walk through. SYNONYM(S): compact, close …   Useful english dictionary

  • dense — dense; dense·ly; dense·ness; su·per·dense; con·dense; …   English syllables

  • dense — DENSE. adj. des 2 g. Terme didactique. Épais, compacte, dont les parties sont serrées. Corps dense. L eau est plus dense que l air. Il est opposé à Rare …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • dense — early 15c., from M.Fr. dense and directly from L. densus thick, crowded; cloudy, perhaps from PIE root *dens dense, thick (Cf. Gk. dasus hairy, shaggy ). Sense of stupid is first recorded 1822 …   Etymology dictionary

  • dense — DENSE. adj. de tout genre. Epais, compacte, dont les parties sont serrées. Corps dense. l eau est plus dense que l air …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • dense — [dens] adj. denser, densest [ME < L densus, compact < IE base * dens , thick > Gr dasys, thick (used of hair), Hittite dassuš, strong] 1. having the parts crowded together; packed tightly together; compact 2. difficult to get through,… …   English World dictionary

  • dense — [adj1] compressed, thick close, closeknit, compact, condensed, crammed, crowded, heaped, heavy, impenetrable, jammed, jampacked*, massed, opaque, packed, packed like sardines*, piled, solid, substantial, thickset; concept 483 Ant. open, scattered …   New thesaurus

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