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diadromous — [dī ad′rə məs] adj. [ DIA + DROMOUS] 1. Bot. with leaf veins radiating in a fanlike arrangement 2. Zool. migrating between fresh and salt water: said of certain fishes … English World dictionary
diadromous — adjective (used of fish) migratory between fresh and salt waters • Ant: ↑anadromous, ↑catadromous * * * (ˈ)dī|adrəməs adjective Etymology: dia + dromous 1. : migratory between salt and fresh waters used of a fish; compare ana … Useful english dictionary
diadromous — those fishes which regularly migrate between fresh and salt water during a definite period of the life cycle. Includes anadromous and catadromous fishes, e.g. Petromyzon, Alosa, Oncorhynchus, some Galaxias, Anguilla, Sicydium (Myers, 1949;… … Dictionary of ichthyology
diadromous — /duy ad reuh meuhs/, adj. 1. Bot. (of a leaf) having a fanlike arrangement of veins. 2. (of fish) migrating between fresh and salt waters. Cf. anadromous, catadromous. [1945 50; DIA + DROMOUS] * * * … Universalium
diadromous — adjective a fish that travels between salt water and fresh water … Wiktionary
diadromous — di·ad·ro·mous … English syllables
diadromous — di•ad•ro•mous [[t]daɪˈæd rə məs[/t]] adj. ich (of fish) migrating between fresh and salt waters • Etymology: 1945–50 … From formal English to slang
diadromous — a. migrating between fresh and salt water … Dictionary of difficult words
semi-diadromous — living in brackish water near river mouths and only entering fresh water to spawn … Dictionary of ichthyology
Fish migration — Many species of salmon are anadromous and migrate long distances up rivers and streams to spawn. Many types of fish migrate on a regular basis, on time scales ranging from daily to annually or longer, and over distances ranging from a few metres… … Wikipedia