Discalced — • A term applied to those religious congregations of men and women, the members of which go entirely unshod or wear sandals, with or without other covering for the feet Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Discalced Discalced … Catholic encyclopedia
Discalced — is a term applied to those religious congregations of men and women, the members of which go entirely barefoot or wear sandals, with or without other covering for the feet. These congregations are often distinguished on this account from other… … Wikipedia
Discalced — Dis*calced , a. Unshod; barefooted; in distinction from calced. The foundation of houses of discalced friars. Cardinal Manning s St. Teresa. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
discalced — [dis kalst′] adj. [< L discalceatus, unshod < dis , not + calceatus, a sandal, shoe < pp. of calceare, to provide with shoes < calceus, a shoe: see CALCEIFORM] barefooted, as members of certain religious orders … English World dictionary
discalced — adjective shoeless; barefoot; without shoes on; wearing sandals rather than shoes. They were discalced to a man like pilgrims of some common order for all their shoes were long since stolen. See Also: dis , Discalced Carmelites … Wiktionary
discalced — dis•calced [[t]dɪsˈkælst[/t]] also dis•cal•ce•ate [[t] ˈkæl si ɪt, ˌeɪt[/t]] adj. rel barefoot: discalced monks[/ex] • Etymology: 1625–35; L discalceātus= dis I+calceātus, ptp. of calceāre to fit with shoes, der. of calceus shoe … From formal English to slang
Discalced Carmelites — Teresa of Ávila (1515 1582), co founder of the Discalced Carmelites. Order of the Discalced Friars of the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel Abbreviation … Wikipedia
Discalced Augustinians — The reform movement of Roman Catholic religious orders, which occurred as part of the Counterreformation developing in Catholic Europe, also found sympathy among the friars of the Augustinian Order. As the order to which Martin Luther belonged,… … Wikipedia
discalced — /dis kalst /, adj. (chiefly of members of certain religious orders) without shoes; unshod; barefoot. Also, discalceate /dis kal see it, ayt /. Cf. calced. [1625 35; part trans. of L discalceatus, equiv. to dis DIS 1 + calceatus, ptp. of calceare… … Universalium
discalced — without shoes; barefoot; a religious order wearing no shoes Ecclesiastical Terms … Phrontistery dictionary