
adjective Date: 1660 1. a. inclined to dispute b. marked by disputation 2. provoking debate ; controversialdisputatiously adverbdisputatiousness noun

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Disputatious — Dis pu*ta tious, a. Inclined to dispute; apt to civil or controvert; characterized by dispute; as, a disputatious person or temper. [1913 Webster] The Christian doctrine of a future life was no recommendation of the new religion to the wits and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • disputatious — I adjective argumentative, bickering, cantankerous, captious, competitive, contentious, contrary, controversial, debatable, dialectic, discordant, discrepant, disputable, disputative, dissenting, dissentious, divided, fractious, hostile,… …   Law dictionary

  • disputatious — [adj] argumentative cantankerous, captious, caviling, contentious, controversial, dissentious, litigious, polemical, pugnacious, quarrelsome; concepts 401,542 Ant. agreeable, calm, peaceful …   New thesaurus

  • disputatious — ► ADJECTIVE 1) fond of argument. 2) (of an argument or situation) motivated by or causing strong opinions. DERIVATIVES disputatiously adverb disputatiousness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • disputatious — [dis pyo͞ot′ə tivdis΄pyo͞o tā′shəs] adj. inclined to dispute; fond of arguing; contentious: also disputative [dis pyo͞ot′ə tiv] disputatiously adv. disputatiousness n …   English World dictionary

  • Disputatious — Wikipedia does not have an encyclopedia article for Disputatious (search results). You may want to read Wiktionary s entry on disputatious instead.wiktionary:Special:Search/disputatious …   Wikipedia

  • disputatious — disputatiously, adv. disputatiousness, n. /dis pyoo tay sheuhs/, adj. fond of or given to disputation; argumentative; contentious: disputatious litigants. Also, disputative /di spyooh teuh tiv/. [1650 60; DISPUTATI(ON) + OUS] * * * …   Universalium

  • disputatious — adjective a) Of or relating to something that is in question as to its value or intent. b) Inclined to argue or debate; provoking debate. Syn: argumentative, contentious, quarrelsome …   Wiktionary

  • disputatious — Synonyms and related words: aggressive, argumental, argumentative, bellicose, belligerent, bickering, cat and dog, cat and doggish, combative, complaining, contentious, controversial, dialectic, disputing, dissentient, dissenting, divisive,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • disputatious — I (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. contentious, argumentative, captious; see quarrelsome 1 . II (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective Given to arguing: argumentative, combative, contentious, eristic, litigious, polemic, polemical, quarrelsome, scrappy. See… …   English dictionary for students

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