Distal convoluted tubule — Kidney nephron ( 1st proximal convoluted tubule , 2nd distal convoluted tubule ) … Wikipedia
distal convoluted tubule — n the convoluted portion of the nephron lying between the loop of Henle and the nonsecretory part of the nephron and concerned esp. with the concentration of urine called also convoluted tubule, distal tubule * * * tubulus contortus distalis … Medical dictionary
distal convoluted tubule — noun : the convoluted portion of the vertebrate nephron that lies between the loop of Henle and the collecting tubule in intimate association with the afferent vessel, that resembles the proximal convoluted tubule in structure though lacking the… … Useful english dictionary
convoluted tubule — n 1) PROXIMAL CONVOLUTED TUBULE 2) DISTAL CONVOLUTED TUBULE * * * a channel that follows a tortuous course; see tubulus contortus distalis, tubulus contortus proximalis, and tubuli seminiferi contorti … Medical dictionary
convoluted tubule — noun Date: 1923 all or part of the coiled sections of a nephron: a. proximal convoluted tubule b. distal convoluted tubule … New Collegiate Dictionary
convoluted tubule — noun 1. : proximal convoluted tubule 2. : distal convoluted tubule * * * n. Anat. a portion of the nephron in the kidney that functions in concentrating urine and in maintaining salt, water, and sugar balance. [1945 50] … Useful english dictionary
proximal convoluted tubule — noun : the convoluted portion of the vertebrate nephron that lies between the Malpighian corpuscle and the loop of Heule, is made up of a single layer of cuboidal cells with striated borders, and is believed to be concerned especially with the… … Useful english dictionary
Tubule — A small tube. * * * A small tube. SYN: tubulus [TA]. [L. tubulus, dim. of tubus, tube] Albarran y Dominguez tubules SYN: Albarran glands, under gland. connecting t. a narrow arching t. of the kidney joining the distal convoluted t. and the… … Medical dictionary
Connecting tubule — Scheme of renal tubule and its vascular supply. Latin tubulus renalis arcuatus Gray s … Wikipedia
renal tubule — n the part of a nephron that leads away from a glomerulus, that is made up of a proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, and distal convoluted tubule, and that empties into a collecting tubule * * * the fine tubular part of a nephron, through… … Medical dictionary