
noun (plural diverticula) Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, bypath, probably alteration of deverticulum, from devertere to turn aside, from de- + vertere Date: circa 1819 1. an abnormal pouch or sac opening from a hollow organ (as the intestine or bladder) 2. a pocket or closed branch opening off a main passagediverticular adjective

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Diverticulum — Classification and external resources MeSH D004240 A diverticulum (plural: diverticula) is medical or biological term for an outpouching of a hollow (or a fluid filled) structure in the body. Depending upon which layers of the structure are… …   Wikipedia

  • DIVERTICULUM — in Glossis, εντροπὴ, καμπὴ ὁδοῦ, i. e. semita quales a via regia secantur aliorsum. Hinc ad fluvios vox traducta. Geographusineditus Salmas. de Nilo, Currit per milia DXX. nullum ostendit diverticulum. Ubi diverticuli nomine intelligit minores… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • diverticulum — [dī΄vər tik′yo͞o ləm] n. pl. diverticula [dī΄vər tik′yo͞olə] [L diverticulum, var. of deverticulum, a bypath < devertere, to turn aside: see DE & VERSE] Anat. a normal or abnormal pouch or sac opening out from a tubular organ or main cavity …   English World dictionary

  • Diverticulum — Div er*tic u*lum, n.; pl. {Diverticula}. [L. See {Diverticle}.] (Anat.) A blind tube branching out of a longer one. [1913 Webster] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • diverticulum — blind tube (anatomical), 1819, Mod.L., from L. deverticulum a bypath, from devertere to turn aside (see DIVERT (Cf. divert)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • diverticulum — (Order Anostraca): Midgut diverticulum [Stachowitsch, 1992]. (Class Cephalocarida): One of two simple glandular outpocketings of digestive tract; located in head and opening into anterior region of midgut [Stachowitsch, 1992]. (Order Leptostraca) …   Crustacea glossary

  • Diverticulum — A small bulging sac pushing outward from the colon wall is a diverticulum. As a person ages, pressure within the large intestine (colon) causes pockets of tissue (sacs) that push out from the colon walls. The plural is diverticula. Diverticula… …   Medical dictionary

  • diverticulum — diverticular, adj. /duy veuhr tik yeuh leuhm/, n., pl. diverticula / leuh/. Anat. a blind, tubular sac or process branching off from a canal or cavity, esp. an abnormal, saclike herniation of the mucosal layer through the muscular wall of the… …   Universalium

  • diverticulum — n.; pl. diverticula a sac or pouch formed at weak points in the walls of the alimentary tract. They may be caused by increased pressure from within (pulsion diverticula) or by pulling from without (traction diverticula). A pharyngeal diverticulum …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Diverticulum — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Le terme diverticulum peut désigner : en histoire et archéologie, une voie romaine secondaire ; en médecine et chirurgie, une dérivation… …   Wikipédia en Français

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