- door prize
- noun Date: 1951 a prize awarded to the holder of a winning ticket passed out at the entrance to an entertainment or function
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
door prize — n AmE a prize given to someone who has the winning number on their ticket for a show, dance etc … Dictionary of contemporary English
door prize — door′ prize n. a prize awarded at a dance, party, or the like, often through a drawing • Etymology: 1950–55 … From formal English to slang
door prize — ☆ door prize n. a prize given by lottery to one or more of those attending some public function … English World dictionary
door prize — noun tickets are passed out at the entrance to a dance or party or other social function and a prize is awarded to the holder of the winning ticket • Hypernyms: ↑prize, ↑award * * * noun : a prize awarded to a holder of one of the winning coupons … Useful english dictionary
door prize — /ˈdɔ praɪz/ (say daw pruyz) noun a prize awarded at a social gathering to the person who holds the winning door ticket. Also, lucky door prize …
Door prize — At a party or gathering, a door prize may be awarded to one or more persons attending, via a raffle or drawing. Prizes can be small things such as pens, bookmarks, and buttons or they can be larger, more expensive items like gift baskets, cash,… … Wikipedia
door prize — a prize awarded at a dance, party, or the like, either by chance through a drawing or as a reward, as for having the best costume. [1950 55] * * * … Universalium
door prize — n. prize that is given to the holder of a winning ticket handed out at the entrance (such as at a dance or party), entrance ticket later used as a lottery ticket … English contemporary dictionary
door prize — noun (C) AmE a prize given to someone who has the winning number on their ticket for a show, dance, or party … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
lucky door prize — noun → door prize …