
noun Date: circa 1700 1. one that drops 2. a short glass tube fitted with a rubber bulb and used to measure liquids by dropscalled also eyedropper, medicine dropperdropperful noun

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • dropper — drop per, n. 1. One who, or that which, drops. Specif.: (Fishing) A fly that drops from the leader above the bob or end fly. [1913 Webster] 2. A dropping tube, usually of glass or plastic with a narrow opening at the tip and a rubber bulb at the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dropper —   [dt. »Tropfer«] der, kleines Programm, das einen Computervirus »heraustropfen lässt«, d. h. aussetzt, wenn es gestartet wird. * * * Drọp|per, der; s, (Tennis, Tischtennis): Dropshot …   Universal-Lexikon

  • dropper — 1700, distiller, agent noun from DROP (Cf. drop) (v.). Meaning small tube from which liquid may be made to fall in drops is from 1889 …   Etymology dictionary

  • dropper — [dräp′ər] n. 1. a person or thing that drops ☆ 2. a small glass or plastic tube usually capped by a hollow rubber bulb at one end, used to measure out a liquid in drops …   English World dictionary

  • dropper — 2. droper [ drɔpe ] v. tr. <conjug. : 1> VAR. dropper • av. 1918; angl. to drop « lâcher, abandonner » ♦ Anglic. 1 ♦ ⇒ larguer (2o ), parachuter (1o). 2 ♦ Fam. Abandonner, délaisser (qqn); négliger (une relation) (cf. Laisser choir, tomber) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Dropper — Ein Dropper oder Viren Dropper ist eine eigenständig ausführbare Programm Datei, die der meist erstmaligen Freisetzung eines Computervirus dient. Computerviren sind keine eigenständigen lauffähigen Programme, sondern befallen nur parasitär… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Dropper — This article is about the computer program. For the piece of glassware used to transfer fluids, see Pasteur pipette. For the slang for hired killer, see hitman. A dropper is a program (malware component) that has been designed to install some… …   Wikipedia

  • Dropper — Injecteur (informatique) Un injecteur (ou dropper, en anglais), aussi appelé programme seringue ou virus compte gouttes est un programme informatique créé pour installer un logiciel malveillant sur un système cible. Il s agit d une forme… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • dropper — UK [ˈdrɒpə(r)] / US [ˈdrɑpər] noun [countable] Word forms dropper : singular dropper plural droppers a small glass tube with a rubber piece at one end that you squeeze to let out single drops of liquid …   English dictionary

  • dropper — /drop euhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that drops. 2. a glass tube with a hollow rubber bulb at one end and a small opening at the other, for drawing in a liquid and expelling it in drops; medicine dropper. 3. a short haired dog that is a cross… …   Universalium

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