- duplicate bridge
- noun Date: 1926 a tournament form of contract bridge in which identical deals are played in order to compare individual scores
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Duplicate bridge — tournament playing area Duplicate bridge is the most widely used variation of contract bridge in club and tournament play. It is called duplicate because the same bridge deal (i.e. the specific arrangement of the 52 cards into the four hands) is… … Wikipedia
duplicate bridge — (izg. djùplikit brȉdž) m DEFINICIJA term. dvostruki bridž, oblik ugovornog (contract) bridža koji se igra na svim bridž turnirima, klubovima i kod kuće ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal
duplicate bridge — a form of contract bridge used in tournaments in which contestants play the identical series of deals, with each deal being scored independently, permitting individual scores to be compared. [1925 30] * * * ▪ game also called Tournament Bridge,… … Universalium
Duplicate bridge movements — A duplicate bridge movement is a scheme used in a duplicate bridge tournament to arrange which competitors play which opponents when, and which boards they play. The arrangement has to satisfy a number of constraints which often conflict to some… … Wikipedia
duplicate bridge — noun : bridge (as contract bridge) in which each contestant, pair, or team of four players plays the same hands as other contestants and each deal of which is scored independently of each other deal with match point or cumulative point scoring… … Useful english dictionary
duplicate bridge — noun a competitive form of bridge in which the same hands are played successively by different partnerships … English new terms dictionary
Duplicate poker — is a variant of the card game poker. Duplicate poker is based on the principles of duplicate bridge,[1] but it also incorporates some of the rules of pot limit and no limit Texas hold em. As a skill based game, it is legal in the U.S.[citation… … Wikipedia
duplicate — [do͞o′pli kit, dyo͞o′pli kit; ] for v. [, do͞o′plikāt΄] adj. [ME duplicaten < L duplicatus, pp. of duplicare, to double: see DUPLEX] 1. double 2. having two similar parts 3. corresponding exactly 4. designating a way of playing bridge in which … English World dictionary
duplicate — ● duplicate nom masculin (anglais duplicate bridge, bridge de tournoi) Forme de tournoi (bridge, Scrabble, etc.) dans lequel on fait jouer les mêmes donnes à tous les concurrents, de manière à établir un classement de ceux qui auront tiré le… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Bridge (card game disambiguation) — Bridge (card game) may mean: *Contract bridge, the most common form of Bridge. *Duplicate bridge, in which many players can compete simultaneously. *Auction bridge, which could historically refer to other games that were superseded by Contract… … Wikipedia