- dust bunny
- noun
Date: 1966
an aggregate of dust <swept the dust bunnies from under the bed>
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
dust bunny — dust .bunny n AmE informal a small ball of dust that forms in a place that is not cleaned regularly, such as under furniture … Dictionary of contemporary English
dust bunny — dust ,bunny noun count AMERICAN INFORMAL a soft ball of dust that has collected somewhere, for example under a bed … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
dust bunny — ☆ dust bunny n. Informal any of the small, light balls of dust, hair, etc. that collect on unswept floors, as underneath furniture … English World dictionary
Dust bunny — For the album by Bettie Serveert, see Dust Bunnies. Dust Bunnies … Wikipedia
dust bunny — noun : an aggregate of dust swept the dust bunnies from under the bed * * * noun, pl ⋯ nies [count] US informal : a ball of dust that forms in places that are not swept or dusted often I swept the dust bunnies from under the bed. * * * ˈdust… … Useful english dictionary
Dust Bunny — Staubmaus Als Staubmaus bezeichnet man eine Ansammlung von Fasern, Haaren und Staub, die in Haushalten als graues, oft leichtes und daher bei Luftzug sich rasch bewegendes Bündel zu finden ist. Sie „lebt“ vor allem unter Schränken oder Betten.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
dust bunny — noun A small clump of dust, fluff and particles of skin, hair, etc. that tends to accumulate in a domestic environment in places that are not dusted; reputed to be held together by static electricity. Syn: dust kitten, dus … Wiktionary
dust bunny — ball of dust on the floor, dust that looks like fur On Saturday morning I vacuum up the dust bunnies before I go out … English idioms
dust bunny — n American a ball of fluff lurking in an undusted part of a household. (Also known as dust kitty and many other terms.) ► She won t make the bed, she won t sweep up the dust bunnies or nothin . (The RockfordFiles, US TV series, 1980) … Contemporary slang
dust bunny — /ˈdʌst bʌni/ (say dust bunee) noun Colloquial a mass of dust, fluff, etc., found under furniture or in the corner of a room …