
noun (plural dybbukim; also dybbuks) Etymology: Yiddish dibek, from Late Hebrew dibbūq Date: circa 1903 a wandering soul believed in Jewish folklore to enter and control a living body until exorcised by a religious rite

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Dybbuk — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En el folklore judío, un dybbuk es un espíritu maligno capaz de poseer otras criaturas, se cree que es el alma en pena de un muerto. Se dice que los dybbuks escaparon del Gehena, término hebreo traducido algunas… …   Wikipedia Español

  • dybbuk — dyb buk (d[i^]b b[u^]k; Hebrew d[=e]*b[=oo]k ), n.; pl. {dybbuks}; Hebr. {dybbukim} (d[=e] b[=oo]k*[=e]m ). (Jewish folklore) the wandering soul of a dead person, or a demon, that enters the body of a living person and controls that body s… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dybbuk — 1903, malevolent spirit of a dead person possessing the body of a living one, from Jewish folklore, from Heb. dibbuk, from dabak to cling, cleave to …   Etymology dictionary

  • dybbuk — [dib′ək] n. [Heb dibbūq < dābhaq, to cleave, hold to] Jewish Folklore the spirit of a dead person that enters the body of a living person and possesses it …   English World dictionary

  • Dybbuk — For other uses, see Dybbuk (disambiguation). In Jewish folklore, a dybbuk (Yiddish: דיבוק, from Hebrew attachment) is a malicious or malevolent[1] possessing spirit believed to be the dislocated soul of a dead person.[2] Dybbuks are said to have… …   Wikipedia

  • Dybbuk — (DIB ick) Variations: Gilgul ( clinging soul ) The concept of the dybbuk first entered into Judaism by means of the mysticism that was practiced in the eighth century. Jews were forbidden to practice the art of mysticism for fear that it could… …   Encyclopedia of vampire mythology

  • dybbuk — Seph. Heb. /dee boohk /; Ashk. Heb., Eng. /dib euhk/, n., pl. dybbuks, dybbukim Seph. Heb. /dee booh keem /; Ashk. Heb. /di book im/. Jewish Folklore. a demon, or the soul of a dead person, that enters the body of a living person and directs the… …   Universalium

  • dybbuk —    In Jewish demonology, an evil spirit or doomed soul that possesses a person’s body and soul, speaking through the person’s mouth and causing such torment and anguish that another personality appears to manifest itself. The term dybbuk (also… …   Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology

  • Dybbuk — Ein Dibbuk (auch Dybuk oder Dybbuk genannt; Pl. Dibbukim) ist nach jüdischem Volksglauben die Seele eines ehemals bösartigen oder verbohrten Toten. Diese Seele kann sich aufgrund ihrer Verfehlungen nicht von der irdischen Existenz trennen und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • dybbuk — En el folclore judío, un espíritu humano incorpóreo que debe vagar sin sosiego, agobiado por pecados anteriores, hasta que habita el cuerpo de una persona viva. La creencia en tales espíritus fue común en Europa oriental en los s. XVI–XVII. Las… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • dybbuk —    (DIH buk) [Yiddish, from Hebrew] In Jewish folklore, the soul of a dead person that takes possession of a living person, or an evil spirit that acts similarly through a living being.    He becomes acquainted with her “homicidal hooded stare,”… …   Dictionary of foreign words and phrases

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