American water spaniel

American water spaniel
noun Date: 1947 any of a breed of medium-sized spaniels of United States origin that have a thick curly chocolate or liver-colored coat

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • American Water Spaniel — FCI Standard Nr. 301 Gruppe 8 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • American water spaniel — n. any of a breed of spaniel with a curly, reddish or dark brown coat, used as a retriever, esp. of waterfowl …   English World dictionary

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  • American water spaniel — noun breed of medium sized spaniels originating in America having chocolate or liver colored curly coat • Hypernyms: ↑water spaniel * * * noun Usage: usually capitalized A : a medium sized spaniel of American origin with a thick curly chocolate… …   Useful english dictionary

  • American water spaniel — one of an American breed of medium sized water spaniels having a thick, curly chocolate colored or liver colored coat. [1945 50] * * * ▪ breed of dog       breed of sporting dog originating in the United States in the late 1800s, bred to retrieve …   Universalium

  • American water spaniel — Amer′ican wa′ter span iel n. dch one of an American breed of medium sized water spaniels having a thick, curly chocolate or liver colored coat • Etymology: 1945–50 …   From formal English to slang

  • Water Spaniel — may refer to several different breeds of water dogs that are Spaniels, such as: * American Water Spaniel * English Water Spaniel, extinct * Irish Water Spaniel * Tweed Water Spaniel, extinct …   Wikipedia

  • water spaniel — n. 1. AMERICAN WATER SPANIEL 2. IRISH WATER SPANIEL …   English World dictionary

  • water spaniel — noun any dog of two large curly coated breeds used for hunting waterfowl • Regions: ↑Ireland, ↑Hibernia, ↑Emerald Isle, ↑United States, ↑United States of America, ↑America, ↑the States, ↑US, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • water spaniel — noun Date: 1566 a spaniel of either of two breeds: a. American water spaniel b. Irish water spaniel …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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