
noun Date: 1611 the quality or state of being exterior or exteriorized ; externality

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Exteriority — Ex*te ri*or i*ty, n. [Cf. F. ext[ e]riorit[ e].] Surface; superficies; externality. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • exteriority — [ek stir΄ē ôr′ə tē, ikstir΄ē ôr′ə tē] n. 1. the state or quality of being exterior or exteriorized 2. external aspect …   English World dictionary

  • Exteriority — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Exteriority >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 exteriority exteriority Sgm: N 1 outside outside exterior Sgm: N 1 surface surface superficies Sgm: N 1 skin skin &c.(covering) 223 Sgm: N 1 superstratum …   English dictionary for students

  • exteriority / interiority —    by Jonathan Roffe   One of the underlying themes of Deleuze s philosophy is a rejection of the value of interiority in its various theoretical guises. In fact, he goes so far as to connect the sentiment of the hatred of interiority to his… …   The Deleuze dictionary

  • exteriority / interiority —    by Jonathan Roffe   One of the underlying themes of Deleuze s philosophy is a rejection of the value of interiority in its various theoretical guises. In fact, he goes so far as to connect the sentiment of the hatred of interiority to his… …   The Deleuze dictionary

  • exteriority — /ik stear ee awr i tee, or /, n., pl. exteriorities. 1. the state or fact of being exterior. 2. something exterior. [1605 15; EXTERIOR + ITY] * * * …   Universalium

  • exteriority — Synonyms and related words: cursoriness, epidermis, gloss, mere scratch, no depth, no water, pinprick, rind, scratch, shallowness, shoaliness, skin, slightness, superficiality, superficies, surface, triviality, veneer …   Moby Thesaurus

  • exteriority — n. surface, superficies; externality; external appearance; something exterior …   English contemporary dictionary

  • exteriority — ex·te·ri·or·i·ty …   English syllables

  • exteriority — (ˌ)ekˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈȯrəd.ē, ikˌ , ˈär , rətē, i noun ( es) : the quality or state of being exterior or exteriorized : externality contrasted with interiority …   Useful english dictionary

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