- fascioliasis
- noun (plural fascioliases) Etymology: New Latin, from Fasciola, genus of flukes + -iasis Date: 1890 infestation with or disease caused by liver flukes (Fasciola hepatica or F. gigantica)
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Fascioliasis — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Fascioliasis Clasificación y recursos externos Aviso médico … Wikipedia Español
fascioliasis — infección por la duela hepática Fasciola hepatica, caracterizada por dolor epigástrico, fiebre, ictericia, eosinofilia, urticaria y diarrea, con fibrosis hepática como consecuencia de la infección prolongada [ICD 10: B66.3] Diccionario ilustrado… … Diccionario médico
fascioliasis — /feuh see euh luy euh sis, suy /, n. Vet. Pathol. liver rot. [1885 90; < NL Fasciol(a) name of genus of liver flukes (L: small bandage) + IASIS] * * * ▪ pathology infection of humans and grass grazing animals, caused by the liver fluke… … Universalium
Fascioliasis — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 B66.3 Fascioliasis … Deutsch Wikipedia
fascioliasis — Infection with a species of Fasciola. * * * fa·sci·o·li·a·sis fə .sē ə lī ə səs, .sī n, pl a·ses .sēz infestation with or disease caused by liver flukes of the genus Fasciola (F. hepatica or F. gigantica) * * * n. an infestation of the bile ducts … Medical dictionary
fascioliasis — n. an infestation of the bile ducts and liver with the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica. Humans acquire the infection through eating wild watercress on which the larval stages of the parasite are present. The symptoms include fever, dyspepsia,… … The new mediacal dictionary
fascioliasis — noun infestation with liver flukes (of genus Fasciola) … Wiktionary
fascioliasis — n. disease caused by a parasite … English contemporary dictionary
fascioliasis — fas·ci·o·li·a·sis … English syllables
fascioliasis — noun infestation with the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica; liver damage sometimes occurs; related to liver rot • Syn: ↑fasciolosis • Hypernyms: ↑infestation … Useful english dictionary