
adjective Etymology: Latin androgynus hermaphrodite, from Greek androgynos, from andr- + gynē womanmore at queen Date: 1651 1. having the characteristics or nature of both male and female 2. a. neither specifically feminine nor masculine <
the androgynous pronoun them
b. suitable to or for either sex <
androgynous clothing
3. having traditional male and female roles obscured or reversed <
an androgynous marriage
androgynously adverbandrogyny noun

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • androgynous — [an drä′jə nəs] adj. [L androgynus < Gr androgynos: see ANDRO & GYNOUS] 1. both male and female in one; hermaphroditic 2. Bot. bearing both staminate and pistillate flowers in the same inflorescence or cluster 3. a) of or marked by a blend of… …   English World dictionary

  • Androgynous — An*drog y*nous, Androgynal An*drog y*nal, a. [L. androgynus, Gr. ?; anh r, andro s, man + gynh woman: cf. F. androgyne.] 1. Uniting both sexes in one, or having the characteristics of both; being in nature both male and female; hermaphroditic.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • androgynous — (adj.) 1620s, from L. androgynus, from Gk. androgynos hermaphrodite, male and female in one; womanish man; as an adjective (of baths) common to men and women, from andros, gen. of aner male (see ANTHROPO (Cf. anthropo )) + gyne woman (see QUEEN… …   Etymology dictionary

  • androgynous — *bisexual, hermaphroditic, hermaphrodite, epicene …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • androgynous — [adj] having male and female traits bisexual, cross sexual, epicene, hermaphrodite, trans sexual, unisexual; concept 372 …   New thesaurus

  • androgynous — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ partly male and partly female; of indeterminate sex. DERIVATIVES androgyny noun. ORIGIN from Greek an r man + gun woman …   English terms dictionary

  • androgynous — [[t]ændrɒ̱ʤɪnəs[/t]] 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n In biology, an androgynous person, animal, or plant has both male and female sexual characteristics. [TECHNICAL] Syn: hermaphrodite 2) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n If you describe someone as androgynous, you mean… …   English dictionary

  • androgynous — an|drog|y|nous [ænˈdrɔdʒınəs US ˈdra: ] adj [Date: 1600 1700; : Latin; Origin: androgynus person who is both male and female , from Greek, from andr ( ANDR ) + gyne woman ] 1.) having both male and female parts 2.) someone who is androgynous… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • androgynous — an|drog|y|nous [ æn dradʒənəs ] adjective 1. ) an androgynous person is neither clearly male nor clearly female 2. ) an androgynous animal or plant has both male and female parts …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • androgynous — adjective 1 having both male and female parts 2 someone who is androgynous looks both female and male: Bowie had a kind of androgynous sex appeal …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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