- focaccia
- noun Etymology: Italian, from Late Latin focacia (neuter plural), from Latin focus hearth Date: 1969 a flat Italian bread typically seasoned with herbs and olive oil
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Focaccia — (pronounced|foˈkatːʃa foe CAH cha ) is a flat oven baked Italian bread, which may be topped with herbs or other ingredients. Focaccia is related to pizza, but not considered to be the same. Focaccia is quite popular in Italy and is usually… … Wikipedia
Focaccia — mit Rosmarin Focaccia [foˈkatːʃa] ist ein ligurisches Fladenbrot aus Hefeteig, das vor dem Backen mit Olivenöl, Salz und eventuell Kräutern und weiteren Zutaten belegt wird. Andere regionale Bezeichnungen sind Crescentina und Schiacciata. Die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Focaccia — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Pan de focaccia decorado con una ramita de romero … Wikipedia Español
Focaccia — maison aux olives. La focaccia est un pain de forme plate cuit au four et originaire d Italie, qui peut être agrémenté d autres ingrédients. Il est historiquement lié à la pizza et considéré comme étant la version italienne de la fougasse. Sur… … Wikipédia en Français
focaccia — /fo katʃ:a/ s.f. [lat. tardo focacia, agg. femm. der. di focus focolare ] (pl. ce ). (gastron.) [pane di forma schiacciata, cotto nel forno] ▶◀ offa, (region.) pizza, (region.) schiacciata, (region.) spianata, (tosc.) stiacciata. ‖ brioche. … Enciclopedia Italiana
focaccia — [fō kä′chə, fō kä′chē ə] n. [It] a round, flat Italian yeast bread with a crisp crust, containing olive oil, herbs, etc … English World dictionary
focaccia — fo·càc·cia s.f. 1. CO sorta di pane di forma sottile e schiacciata condito con olio o altri ingredienti e cotto al forno: un pezzo di focaccia, focaccia al formaggio, focaccia al rosmarino 2a. RE sett., dolce di pasta lievitata cotto in forno,… … Dizionario italiano
focaccia — noun /foʊˈkɑ.tʃə,fəˈkɑ.tʃi.ə/ a) A flat bread similar in style, composition, and texture to modern pizza doughs and topped with herbs, cheese and other products. Focaccia typically consists of high gluten flour, oil, water, sugar, salt and … Wiktionary
Focaccia — Fo|cạc|cia [fo kat̮ʃa], die; , s u. Focacce [ital. focaccia < vlat. focacia, focacius (panis) = in der Asche gebackenes (Brot), zu lat. focus = Herd, Ofen] (Kochkunst): italienisches Fladenbrot, das mit Olivenöl gebacken [u. beliebig belegt… … Universal-Lexikon
focaccia — s. f. schiacciata, sfogliata, torta, pizza, crescenza (region.) FRASEOLOGIA rendere pan per focaccia, rendere la pariglia … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione