- fugu
- noun Etymology: Japanese Date: 1909 any of various very poisonous puffer fishes (family Tetraodontidae) that contain tetrodotoxin and that are used as food in Japan after the toxin-containing parts are removed
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
fugu — Bendroji informacija Kirčiuota forma: fugùRūšis: naujai skolintos šaknies žodis Kalbos dalis: daiktavardis Kilmė: japonų, anglų k. perraša fugu; blowfish. Pateikta: 2012 10 17. Atnaujinta: 2014 03 26. Reikšmė ir vartosena Apibrėžtis: labai… … Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenynas
fugu — [ fugu ] n. m. • 1973; mot jap. ♦ Poisson comestible, très apprécié au Japon, dont les viscères contiennent un poison violent. fugu [fugu] n. m. ÉTYM. Attesté XXe; mot japonais. ❖ ♦ Poisson comestible (⇒ Tétrodon), très apprécié au Japon, dont… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Fugu — das, (s), japanisches Fischgericht mit Kugelfischen. * * * Fu|gu, das; [s], s [jap.]: japanisches 2↑Gericht aus Kugelfischen … Universal-Lexikon
fugu — /ˈfugu/ (say foohgooh) noun any of various species of puffer fish eaten as a delicacy, especially in Japan, the skin and organs containing poison being removed. {Japanese} …
fugu — [fo͞o′go͞o] n. a Japanese puffer containing a deadly toxin, tetrodotoxin, in its skin and organs: the white flesh of this fish is served raw as a popular delicacy, esp. in Japan, after it has been carefully removed by a licensed chef … English World dictionary
Fugu — nihongo|Fugu|河豚 : ふぐ is the Japanese word for pufferfish and is also a Japanese dish prepared from the meat of pufferfish (normally species of Takifugu , Lagocephalus , or Sphoeroides ) or porcupinefish of the genus Diodon . Because pufferfish is … Wikipedia
Fugu — Para el género de pez globo, véase Takifugu. Fugu en una pecera. Fugu (河豚, 鰒, フグ, Fugu … Wikipedia Español
Fugu — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Fugu (homonymie). Fugu … Wikipédia en Français
Fugu — Takifugu rubripes in einem Restaurant in Nagoya, Japan Fugu (jap. 河豚) ist eine japanische Spezialität, die aus dem Muskelfleisch von Kugelfischen besteht. Haut und Innereien von Kugelfischen sind in der Regel durch das darin enthaltene… … Deutsch Wikipedia
fugu — blowfish low fish n. 1. a fish eaten as a delicacy, especially in Japan. It is highly dangerous because of a potent nerve poison (tetrodotoxin) in its ovaries and liver. Chefs require special training to learn how to remove the poisonous parts,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fugu — a dish prepared from the flesh of a Japanese puffer fish (Tetraodontidae), e.g. Takifugu rubripes; the gonads are highly toxic and sometimes contaminate preparations of this meal with fatal results within 4 6 hours on ingestion. About 300 people… … Dictionary of ichthyology