gefilte fish

gefilte fish
noun Etymology: Yiddish, literally, stuffed fish Date: 1892 balls or cakes of seasoned minced fish usually simmered in a fish stock or baked in a tomato sauce

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Gefilte fish — ( yi. געפֿילטע פֿיש, German: Gefüllter Fisch , English: filled fish ) are poached fish patties or balls made from a mixture of ground deboned fish, mostly carp (common carp). They are popular in the Ashkenazi Jewish community. Preparation and… …   Wikipedia

  • Gefilte fish — et Raifort Le gefilte fish (Russe : ефилте (гефилтэ, гефильте) фиш, Hébreu : דג ממולא ou yiddish : געפילטע פיש) est appelé carpe farcie en français, bien qu il soit parfois préparé avec d autres poissons plus nobles, du brochet ou… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Gefilte fish — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Gefilte fish es un plato emblemático de la gastronomía judía askenazí. Es básicamente pescado molido (que a su vez puede ser una mezcla de dos o más especies) con cebolla, zanahoria, perejil, sal y pimienta, que… …   Wikipedia Español

  • gefilte fish — ☆ gefilte fish [gə fil′tə ] n. [E Yiddish < gefilte, inflected adj. form of pp. of filn, to fill + fish, fish] chopped fish mixed with chopped onion, egg, seasoning, etc. and boiled, orig. in a casing of the fish skin: it is usually served… …   English World dictionary

  • gefilte fish — 1892, gefüllte Fisch, not a species but a loaf made from various kinds of ground fish and other ingredients; the first word is from Yiddish, from Ger. gefüllte stuffed …   Etymology dictionary

  • Gefilte fish line — Die „gefilte fish line“ ist eine amerikanisch englische Bezeichnung für eine Trennlinie, die das vor der nationalsozialistischen Judenvernichtung mit Juden dicht besiedelte Gebiet des ehemaligen Doppelstaates Polen Litauen in zwei sich in Kultur… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • gefilte fish — /geuh fil teuh/, Jewish Cookery. a forcemeat of boned fish, esp. such freshwater fish as carp, pike, or whitefish, blended with eggs, matzo meal, and seasoning, shaped into balls or sticks and simmered in a vegetable broth, and often served… …   Universalium

  • gefilte fish — /gəˈfɪltə ˌfɪʃ/ (say guh filtuh .fish) noun (in Jewish cookery) a dish of ground fish, matzo meal and seasonings formed into balls, poached in vegetable or fish stock and served cold. {Yiddish: filled fish} …  

  • gefilte fish — a Jewish dish consisting of ground fish mixed with eggs, matzo meal, and seasonings that have been formed into balls or patties then simmered in vegetable or fish stock. The fish used is usually carp, pike or whitefish …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • gefilte fish — [gə fɪltə] noun a dish of stewed or baked stuffed fish, or of fishcakes boiled in a fish or vegetable broth. Origin Yiddish, stuffed fish , from filn to fill + fish1 …   English new terms dictionary

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