Anthropic principle — In astrophysics and cosmology, the anthropic principle is the philosophical argument that observations of the physical Universe must be compatible with the conscious life that observes it. Some proponents of the argument reason that it explains… … Wikipedia
anthropic principle — A controversial principle that allows explanation of some feature of the observed universe, by pointing out that did it not obtain we would not be here to be remarking on it. For example, if we ask why the universe began some ten thousand million … Philosophy dictionary
anthropic principle — noun : either of two principles in cosmology: a. : conditions that are observed in the universe must allow the observer to exist called also weak anthropic principle b. : the universe must have properties that make inevitable the existence of… … Useful english dictionary
anthropic principle — noun Any of several similar explanations for the nature of the universe, and for the values of its fundamental constants, that states either that the universe is as it is because otherwise we wouldnt be here to observe it, or that the very… … Wiktionary
anthropic principle — [an θrɒpɪk] noun the cosmological principle that theories of the universe are constrained by the necessity to allow human existence. Origin 1970s: anthropic from Gk anthrōpikos, from anthrōpos human being … English new terms dictionary
Final anthropic principle — The final anthropic principle (FAP) is defined by physicists John D. Barrow and Frank J. Tipler s 1986 book The Anthropic Cosmological Principle as a generalization of the anthropic principle as follows:* Final anthropic principle (FAP):… … Wikipedia
strong anthropic principle — noun Date: 1985 anthropic principle b … New Collegiate Dictionary
weak anthropic principle — noun Date: 1985 anthropic principle a … New Collegiate Dictionary
strong anthropic principle — noun : anthropic principle b herein … Useful english dictionary
weak anthropic principle — noun : anthropic principle a herein … Useful english dictionary