- gluteus maximus
- noun (plural glutei maximi) Etymology: New Latin, literally, largest gluteus Date: 1831 the outermost muscle of the three glutei found in each of the human buttocks
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
gluteus maximus — [mak′sə məs] n. pl. glutei maximi [mak′səmī΄] the outermost of the glutei, a large, rounded muscle that acts to extend the thigh … English World dictionary
Gluteus maximus — Musculus gluteus maximus Ursprung oberflächlicher Anteil: Darmbein (Os ilium): Darmbeinkamm (Crista iliaca), hinterer oberer Darmbeinstachel (Spina iliaca posterior superior) Lendenfaszie (Fascia thoracolumbalis) … Deutsch Wikipedia
gluteus maximus — noun a) The largest of the muscles of each buttock. Look at the gluteus maximus on that woman! b) The buttocks … Wiktionary
Gluteus maximus muscle — gluteus maximus The gluteus medius and nearby muscles … Wikipedia
gluteus maximus — gluteus max·i·mus mak sə məs n, pl glutei max·i·mi sə .mī the outermost of the three muscles in each buttock that arises from the sacrum, coccyx, back part of the ilium and adjacent structures, that is inserted into the fascia lata of the thigh… … Medical dictionary
gluteus maximus muscle — musculus gluteus maximus … Medical dictionary
gluteus maximus — noun the outermost of the three gluteal muscles • Hypernyms: ↑gluteus, ↑gluteus muscle, ↑gluteal muscle, ↑glute * * * /mak seuh meuhs/, pl. glutei maximi /mak seuh muy /. 1. the broad, thick, outermost muscle of the buttocks, involved in the… … Useful english dictionary
gluteus maximus — /mak seuh meuhs/, pl. glutei maximi /mak seuh muy /. 1. the broad, thick, outermost muscle of the buttocks, involved in the rotation and extension of the thigh. 2. Facetious. the buttocks. [1900 05; < NL: largest gluteus] * * * … Universalium
gluteus maximus — glu′teus max′i•mus [[t]ˈmæk sə məs[/t]] n. pl. glutei max•i•mi [[t]ˈmæk səˌmaɪ[/t]] anat. the broad, thick, outermost muscle of each buttock • Etymology: 1900–05; < NL: largest gluteus … From formal English to slang
M. gluteus maximus — Musculus gluteus maximus Ursprung oberflächlicher Anteil: Darmbein (Os ilium): Darmbeinkamm (Crista iliaca), hinterer oberer Darmbeinstachel (Spina iliaca posterior superior) Lendenfaszie (Fascia thoracolumbalis) … Deutsch Wikipedia