- -gonium
noun combining form
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek gonos
1. germ cell <spermatogonium> 2. reproductive structure of a plant or fungus <oogonium>
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Gonium — 1.Chlamydomonas ähnliche Zelle 2. Gallerte Systematik ohne Rang: Chloroplastida Abteilung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gonĭum — (Eckthierchen), Gattung der Infusionsthierchen aus der Familie der Volvocina, ohne Augen u. Schwanz, in flachgedrücktem, vierseitigem einfachem Panzer; Art: Kugelquadrat (G. pectorale), mit 16 grünen, quadratisch gestellten Kugelthierchen… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
-gonium — [gō′nē əm] [ModL < Gr gonos: see GONO ] combining form forming nouns a cell or structure in which reproductive cells are formed [archegonium] … English World dictionary
Gonium — Taxobox image caption = Gonium pectorale image width = 240px name = Gonium domain = Eukaryota regnum = Plantae divisio = Chlorophyta classis = Chlorophyceae ordo = Volvocales familia = Volvocaceae genus = Gonium genus authority = O. F. Muller,… … Wikipedia
-gonium — a combining form of gonium: archegonium. * * * … Universalium
-gonium — a combining form of gonium: archegonium … Useful english dictionary
Gonium — … Википедия
gonium — /goh nee euhm/, n., pl. gonia / nee euh/. Cell Biol. the germ cell during the phase marked by mitosis. [ < NL; see GON , IUM] * * * … Universalium
gonium — go·ni·um … English syllables
-gonium — aff. a combining form meaning “reproductive structure, esp. of plants,”“group of cells that produce gametes or spores,”“germ cell”: archegonium; oogonium[/ex] • Etymology: < NL < Gkgon(ḗ)generative organs or gon(os)begetting (see gono ) +… … From formal English to slang