Great Vowel Shift — n. the complex series of sound developments (c. 1400 to c. 1750) which changed the vowel system of Middle English into that of Modern English: Middle English long high vowels (ē and o͞o) changed to Modern English diphthongs (ī and ou), and long… … English World dictionary
Great Vowel Shift — The Great Vowel Shift was a major change in the pronunciation of the English language that took place in England between 1350 and 1500.[1] The Great Vowel Shift was first studied by Otto Jespersen (1860–1943), a Danish linguist and Anglicist, who … Wikipedia
Great Vowel Shift — Als Great Vowel Shift (auch Tudor Vowel Shift) fasst man die Vokalveränderungen der englischen Sprache zusammen, die sich zwischen 1400/1450 und 1700/1750 ereigneten und damit die Phase des Frühneuenglischen umfassen. Meist werden damit nur die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Great Vowel Shift — Ling. a series of changes in the quality of the long vowels between Middle and Modern English as a result of which all were raised, while the high vowels /ee/ and /ooh/, already at the upper limit, underwent breaking to become the diphthongs /uy/ … Useful english dictionary
Great Vowel Shift — Great′ Vow′el Shift′ n. ling. a series of changes in the quality of the long vowels between Middle and Modern English as a result of which all were raised, while the high vowels (ē) and (oo), already at the upper limit, underwent breaking to… … From formal English to slang
Great Vowel Shift — Ling. a series of changes in the quality of the long vowels between Middle and Modern English as a result of which all were raised, while the high vowels /ee/ and /ooh/, already at the upper limit, underwent breaking to become the diphthongs /uy/ … Universalium
Great Vowel Shift — noun the, a sound change which altered the pronunciations of the long vowels of English over the centuries covering late Middle English and into early Modern English periods; it is responsible for the difference between the English and… …
Great English Vowel Shift — Great English Vowel Shift, = Great Vowel Shift. (Cf. ↑Great Vowel Shift) … Useful english dictionary
the Great Vowel Shift — a series of changes between medieval and modern English affecting the long vowels of the standard language. → vowel shift … English new terms dictionary
Vowel shift — A vowel shift is a systematic sound change in the pronunciation of the vowel sounds of a language.The best known example in the English language is the Great Vowel Shift, which began in the 15th century.Other examples of ongoing vowel shifts are… … Wikipedia