- gynecoid
Date: 1907
typical or characteristic of the human female <gynecoid pelvis>
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
gynecoid — [gī′nə koid΄, jin′əkoid΄] adj. [ GYNEC(O) + OID] of or characteristic of a woman or women; female … English World dictionary
Gynecoid — 1. Like a woman, womanly, female. The word gynecoid comes from the Greek gyno, gynaikos meaning woman. Gyneco , gyno , gyn , and gyne are combining forms meaning woman. For example: Gynecoid obesity: Fat distribution in a female fashion. Gynecoid … Medical dictionary
gynecoid — I. ˈ ̷ ̷nə̇ˌkȯid see gyn adjective Etymology: gynec + oid 1. a. : having female characteristics : typical of a woman a gynecoid distribution of fat the gynecoid form of certain castrates … Useful english dictionary
Gynecoid obesity — A fat distribution generally characteristic of that of a woman, around the hips, etc. Gynecoid means like a woman, womanly, female. The word gynecoid comes from the Greek gyno, gynaikos meaning woman. Gyneco , gyno , gyn , and gyne are combining… … Medical dictionary
Gynecoid pelvis — The gynecoid pelvis is one that is generally characteristic of a woman in its bone structure and therefore its shape. Gynecoid means like a woman, womanly, female. The gynecoid pelvis is more delicate, wider and not as high as the male pelvis.… … Medical dictionary
gynecoid — n. [Gr. gynaiko, womanly; eidos, like] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) In Hymenoptera, a large egg laying worker ant … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
gynecoid — /jin i koyd , guy ni , juy ni /, adj. of or like a woman. [1905 10; GYNEC + OID] * * * … Universalium
gynecoid — gyne·coid … English syllables
gynecoid — gy•ne•coid [[t]ˈgaɪ nɪˌkɔɪd, ˈdʒɪn ɪ [/t]] adj. of or like a woman • Etymology: 1905–10; < Gkgynaik , s. ofgynḗwoman + oid … From formal English to slang
Obesity, gynecoid — A fat distribution generally characteristic of that of a woman, around the hips, etc. Gynecoid means like a woman, womanly, female. The word gynecoid comes from the Greek gyno, gynaikos meaning woman. Gyneco , gyno , gyn , and gyne are combining… … Medical dictionary