- Henle's loop
- noun Date: circa 1890 loop of Henle
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Henle's loop — n LOOP OF HENLE * * * the part of a kidney tubule that forms a loop extending towards the centre of the kidney. It is surrounded by blood capillaries, which absorb water and selected soluble substances back into the bloodstream. F. G. J. Henle… … Medical dictionary
Henle's loop — Hen′le s loop′ [[t]ˈhɛn liz[/t]] n. anat. loop of Henle • Etymology: 1880–85 … From formal English to slang
Henle's loop — /hen leez/. See loop of Henle. [1880 85] * * * … Universalium
Henle's loop — noun another term for loop of Henle … English new terms dictionary
Henle's loop — the part of a kidney tubule that forms a loop extending towards the centre of the kidney. It is surrounded by blood capillaries, which absorb water and selected soluble substances back into the bloodstream [G. J. Henle (1809–85), German… … The new mediacal dictionary
henle's loop — noun Usage: usually capitalized H : loop of henle … Useful english dictionary
Henle ampulla loop etc. — Hen·le ampulla, loop, etc. (henґle) [Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle, German anatomist, 1809–1885] see under fiber, gland, layer, membrane, and reaction, and see ampulla ductus deferentis, ansa nephroni, falx inguinalis, and spina suprameatica … Medical dictionary
Loop of Henle — Scheme of renal tubule and its vascular supply. (Loop of Henle visible center left.) Latin ansa nephroni Gray s … Wikipedia
loop of Henle — loop of Hen·le hen lē n the U shaped part of a vertebrate nephron that lies between and is continuous with the proximal and distal convoluted tubules, that leaves the cortex of the kidney descending into the medullary tissue and then bending back … Medical dictionary
loop of Hen|le — «HEHN lee», = Henle s loop. (Cf. ↑Henle s loop) … Useful english dictionary