- hesperidium
- noun (plural hesperidia) Etymology: New Latin Date: circa 1866 a berry (as an orange or lime) having a leathery rind
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Hesperidium — Hes pe*rid i*um, n. [NL. So called in allusion to the golden apples of the Hesperides. See {Hesperides}.] (Bot.) A large berry with a thick rind, as a lemon or an orange. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hesperidĭum — (H. De C), gehört zu Hesperis … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Hesperidĭum — (Hesperidenfrucht), ältere botanische Bezeichnung für die zu den Beeren zu rechnende Frucht der Zitrone, Apfelsine u. a … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
hesperidium — [hes΄pər id′ē əm] n. pl. hesperidia [hes΄pə rid′ēə] [see HESPERIDIN] the fruit of a citrus plant, as an orange or lemon … English World dictionary
Hesperidium — Schnitt durch ein Hesperidium einer Orangenpflanze Ein Hesperidium (Plural Hesperidien) bzw. eine Endokarpbeere ist die botanische Bezeichnung für eine fleischige Beerenfrucht mit einer festen, ledrigen Schale. Bekannte Beispiele sind… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hesperidium — A hesperidium (plural hesperidia) is a modified berry with a tough, leathery rind. The peel contains volatile oil glands in pits. The fleshy interior is composed of separate sections, called carpels, filled with fluid filled vesicles that are… … Wikipedia
hesperidium — hesperidate /he sper i dayt /, hesperideous, adj. /hes peuh rid ee euhm/, n., pl. hesperidia / peuh rid ee euh/. Bot. the fruit of a citrus plant, as an orange. [1865 70; < NL; see HESPERIDIN, IUM] * * * … Universalium
hesperidium — noun Any of several kinds of berries having pulpy interiors, and leathery skins containing aromatic oils. Includes citrus fruit such as the lemon and lime … Wiktionary
hesperidium — Gk Hesperides, daughters of the evening, who dwelt on a western island. From north west Africa … Etymological dictionary of grasses
hesperidium — [ˌhɛspə rɪdɪəm] noun (plural hesperidia dɪə) Botany a fruit with sectioned pulp inside a separable rind, e.g. an orange. Origin C19: based on mod. L Hesperideae (former order name), named after the golden apples of the Hesperides (see Hesperian)… … English new terms dictionary