- higher criticism
- noun Date: 1836 study of biblical writings to determine their literary history and the purpose and meaning of the authors — compare lower criticism • higher critic noun
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Higher criticism — High er crit i*cism Criticism which includes the study of the contents, literary character, date, authorship, etc., of any writing; as, the higher criticism of the Pentateuch. Called also {historical criticism}. The comparison of the Hebrew and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Higher Criticism — • Biblical criticism in its fullest comprehension is the examination of the literary origins and historical values of the books composing the Bible, with the state in which these exist at the present day Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
higher criticism — n. the study of the authorship, dates of writing, meaning, etc. of the books of the Bible, using the techniques or findings of archaeology, literary criticism, comparative religion, etc … English World dictionary
Higher criticism — Historical criticism or higher criticism is a branch of literary analysis that investigates the origins of a text: as applied in biblical studies it naturally investigates foremost the books of the Bible. In Classical studies, the new higher… … Wikipedia
higher criticism — the study of the Bible having as its object the establishment of such facts as authorship and date of composition, as well as determination of a basis for exegesis. Cf. lower criticism. [1830 40] * * * … Universalium
HIGHER CRITICISM — that part of BIBLICAL CRITICISM which seeks to discover the sources used by Biblical authors and in doing so trace the ideas involved to non scriptural roots. In general it is a highly RATIONALISTIC practice which removes all SUPERNATURAL… … Concise dictionary of Religion
higher criticism — See biblical criticism … Glossary of theological terms
higher criticism — noun the scientific study of biblical writings to determine their origin and meaning • Hypernyms: ↑textual criticism … Useful english dictionary
higher criticism — noun the study of the literary methods and sources discernible in biblical texts … English new terms dictionary
higher criticism — Высшая критика … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов