histiocyte — [ istjɔsit ] n. m. • 1917; du gr. histiôn « voile de navire, tenture, toile » et cyte ♦ Histol. Macrophage libre du tissu conjonctif assurant le remplacement des cellules par phagocytose. ● histiocyte nom masculin Cellule phagocyte (possédant la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
histiocyte — [his′tē ō sīt΄] n. 〚< Gr histion, web, dim. of histos (see HISTO ) + CYTE〛 a large macrophage, found in connective tissue, that participates in the body s reaction to infection and injury histiocytic [his′tē əsit′ik] adj. * * * … Universalium
histiocyte — [his′tē ō sīt΄] n. [< Gr histion, web, dim. of histos (see HISTO ) + CYTE] a large macrophage, found in connective tissue, that participates in the body s reaction to infection and injury histiocytic [his′tē əsit′ik] adj … English World dictionary
Histiocyte — A histiocyte is a cell that is part of the human immune system. It is a tissue macrophage [MeshName|histiocyte] [eMedicineDictionary|Histiocyte] [ [http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=histiocyte WordNet Search 3.0 ] ] ( histo = tissue , and … Wikipedia
Histiocyte — Aussi appelé spongiocyte. C est une cellule de taille importante faisant partie du système immunitaire. C est un macrophage du tissu conjonctif (tissu de soutien, remplissage) qui dérive de la moelle osseuse. Au départ, les monocytes immatures… … Wikipédia en Français
histiocyte — noun a macrophage, derived from bone marrow, found in connective tissue … Wiktionary
Histiocyte — A type of white blood cell, also called a macrophage, that is created by the bone marrow. They usually stay in place, but when histiocytes are stimulated by infection or inflammation they become active, attacking bacteria and other foreign matter … Medical dictionary
histiocyte — n. macrophage, large white blood cell that absorbs and destroys foreign and infection causing organisms (Biology) … English contemporary dictionary
histiocyte — his·tio·cyte … English syllables
histiocyte — n. a fixed macrophage, i.e. one that is stationary within connective tissue … The new mediacal dictionary