- hog-tie
transitive verb
Date: 1894
1. to tie together the feet of
2. to make helpless ; stymie <hog-tie scientific progress>
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
hog-tie — (v.) also hogtie, bind hands and feet, 1887, from HOG (Cf. hog) (n.) + TIE (Cf. tie) (v.). Related: Hog tied … Etymology dictionary
hog-tie — *hamper, trammel, clog, fetter, shackle, manacle Analogous words: impede, *hinder, obstruct, block, bar, dam: curb, check, *restrain: *tie, bind … New Dictionary of Synonyms
hog-tie — verb tie together somebody s limbs The prisoner was hog tied • Hypernyms: ↑tie down, ↑tie up, ↑bind, ↑truss • Verb Frames: Somebody s somebody They want to hog tie the prisoner … Useful english dictionary
hog-tie — {v.}, {informal} 1. To tie (an animal) so it is unable to move or escape. * /The Cowboy caught a calf and hog tied it./ 2. To make someone unable to act freely; limit. * /The welfare worker wanted to help at once, but rules and regulations hog… … Dictionary of American idioms
hog-tie — {v.}, {informal} 1. To tie (an animal) so it is unable to move or escape. * /The Cowboy caught a calf and hog tied it./ 2. To make someone unable to act freely; limit. * /The welfare worker wanted to help at once, but rules and regulations hog… … Dictionary of American idioms
hog-tie — v informal 1. To tie (an animal) so it is unable to move or escape. The Cowboy caught a calf and hog tied it. 2. To make someone unable to act freely; limit. The welfare worker wanted to help at once, but rules and regulations hog tied her, so… … Словарь американских идиом
Hog-tie — Der aus dem Englischen stammende Begriff Hogtie [ˈhɒgtaɪ] bezeichnet dort ursprünglich die Fesselung eines Nutztiers, insbesondere des Schweins (engl. hog), das durch das Zusammenbinden (engl.to tie) aller Beine an der Flucht gehindert wird. Das… … Deutsch Wikipedia
hog tie — Synonyms and related words: anchor, bind, bridle, chain, clog, curb, deflate, disarm, enchain, entrammel, fasten, fetter, gag, gyve, hamper, hamstring, handcuff, hobble, hopple, knock out, lash, leash, make fast, manacle, moor, muzzle, paralyze,… … Moby Thesaurus
hog-tie — verb a) To tie an animals or someones feet together; originally all four legs of a quadruped. b) to render helpless … Wiktionary
hog-tie — (Roget s Thesaurus II) also hogtie verb Informal To restrict the activity or free movement of: chain, fetter, hamper, hamstring, handcuff, hobble, leash, manacle, shackle, tie, trammel. See FREE, HELP … English dictionary for students