Hokey — can refer to:* Handover Keying technologies addressing seamless migration of secure wireless connections from one network to another. * The name of a particular House elf in the fictional Harry Potter series * A misspelling of Hokie, the mascot… … Wikipedia
hokey — 1927, from HOKE (Cf. hoke) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Related: Hokiness … Etymology dictionary
hokey — [adj] corny banal, commonplace, dull*, feeble, hackneyed, mawkish, old fashioned, old hat*, sentimental, shopworn, stale, trite; concept 550 … New thesaurus
Hokey — In diesem Artikel werden wichtige Figuren aus den sieben Bänden der Harry Potter Romanreihe von Joanne K. Rowling beschrieben. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Hauptpersonen 1.1 Harry Potter 1.2 Ron Weasley 1.3 Hermine Granger … Deutsch Wikipedia
hokey — UK [ˈhəʊkɪ] / US [ˈhoʊkɪ] adjective Word forms hokey : adjective hokey comparative hokier superlative hokiest American informal a hokey film, book, song etc describes or shows someone s emotions in a way that seems silly or not sincere … English dictionary
hokey — [“hoki] mod. contrived; phony. □ What a hokey way to deal with a perfectly honest request. □ That idea is too hokey. □ That’s a pretty hokey idea, but it may work … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
hokey — I. /ˈhoʊki/ (say hohkee) adjective US Colloquial sentimental; corny: a hokey movie. II. /ˈhoʊki/ (say hohkee) phrase by hokey, NZ Colloquial (an expression of surprise; a mild oath.) {19th century; origin unknown} …
hokey — ho|key [ˈhəuki US ˈhou ] adj AmE [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: hokum] expressing emotions in an old fashioned or silly way ▪ a hokey song … Dictionary of contemporary English
hokey — hok|ey [ houki ] adjective AMERICAN INFORMAL a hokey movie, book, song, etc. describes or shows someone s emotions in a way that seems silly or not sincere … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
hokey — annoyingly contrived The company picnic had a luau theme, but it looked real hokey … Dictionary of american slang