- hydrotropism
- noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: circa 1882 a tropism (as in plant roots) in which water or water vapor is the orienting factor • hydrotropic adjective
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Hydrotropism — is a directional growth response in which the direction is determined by a stimuli/gradient in water concentration but a most common example is that of plant roots growing in humid air bending toward a higher relative humidity level. The process… … Wikipedia
Hydrotropism — Hy*drot ro*pism, n. 1. (Bot.) A tendency towards moisture. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) In a broader sense, any curvature or turning induced in certain growing plant organs under the influence of moisture. Note: When the movement is toward the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hydrotropism — [hī drä′trə piz΄əm] n. [ HYDRO + TROPISM] the positive, or negative, movement or growth, as of a plant root, toward, or away from, moisture hydrotropic [hī΄drə träp′ik] adj … English World dictionary
hydrotropism — hidrotropizmas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Augalo dalių krypimas link drėgnesnės (teigiamasis hidrotropizmas) arba sausesnės (neigiamasis hidrotropizmas) aplinkos. atitikmenys: angl. hydrotropism vok. Hydrotropismus, m… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
hydrotropism — n. [Gr. hydor, water; tropos, turn] The response of an organism to water stimulus … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
hydrotropism — /huy dro treuh piz euhm/, n. Biol. oriented growth in response to water. [1880 85; HYDRO 1 + TROPISM] * * * … Universalium
hydrotropism — noun The movement of a plant (or other organism) either towards or away from water … Wiktionary
hydrotropism — The property in growing organisms of turning toward a moist surface (positive h.) or away from a moist surface (negative h.). [hydro + G. tropos, a turning] * * * hy·dro·tro·pism hī drä trə .piz əm; .hī drə trō .piz əm, trä n a tropism in which… … Medical dictionary
hydrotropism — n. tendency to turn toward or be influenced by moisture (Botany) … English contemporary dictionary
hydrotropism — [hʌɪ drɒtrəpɪz(ə)m] noun Botany the growth or turning of plant roots towards moisture … English new terms dictionary