
noun Etymology: Greek hyrak-, hyrax shrew Date: 1832 any of a family (Procaviidae) of small ungulate mammals of Africa and the Middle East characterized by thickset body with short legs and ears and rudimentary tail, feet with soft pads and broad nails, and teeth of which the molars resemble those of the rhinoceros and the incisors those of rodentscalled also coney, dassie

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • hyrax — /huy raks/, n., pl. hyraxes, hyraces / reuh seez /. any of several species of small mammals of the order Hyracoidea, of Africa and the Mediterranean region, having short legs, ears, and tail, and hooflike nails on the toes. Also called dassie,… …   Universalium

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