- ideal point
- noun Date: 1879 a point added to the plane or to space to eliminate special cases; specifically the point at infinity added in projective geometry as the assumed intersection of two parallel lines
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
ideal point — n. a point at infinity usually thought of as being infinitely distant from the other points of a geometric system … English World dictionary
ideal point — noun : a point at infinity that in projective geometry is the assumed intersection of any two parallel lines * * * Math. the point at infinity in projective geometry at which parallel lines intersect. [1875 80] * * * ideal point noun… … Useful english dictionary
ideal point — ide′al point′ n. math. the point at infinity assumed to be the point at which parallel lines intersect • Etymology: 1875–80 … From formal English to slang
ideal point — Math. the point at infinity in projective geometry at which parallel lines intersect. [1875 80] * * * … Universalium
Point at infinity — The point at infinity, also called ideal point, is a point which when added to the real number line yields a closed curve called the real projective line, mathbb{R}P^1. The real projective line is not equivalent to the extended real number line,… … Wikipedia
idéal — idéal, ale (i dé al, a l ) adj. 1° Qui n a d existence que dans l idée, dans l esprit. Des êtres idéaux. • Plus une philosophie est subtile et idéale, plus elle est vaine et inutile pour expliquer des choses qui ne demandent qu un sens droit… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Ideal X — Seitenriss der Ideal X von Karsten Kunibert Krüger Kopiske p1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Point shooting — is a method of shooting a firearm that relies on a shooter s instinctive reactions and kinematics to quickly engage close targets. Point Shooting does not rely on sights, but instead may place the gun below the line of sight, but in many cases… … Wikipedia
Point de vue — ● Point de vue en perspective classique, point correspondant à l œil de l observateur, situé à une distance déterminée du plan figuratif et constituant le sommet de la pyramide visuelle. (Également appelé centre de projection.) point de vue n. m … Encyclopédie Universelle
point de vue — ● Point de vue en perspective classique, point correspondant à l œil de l observateur, situé à une distance déterminée du plan figuratif et constituant le sommet de la pyramide visuelle. (Également appelé centre de projection.) point de vue n. m … Encyclopédie Universelle