- imaginary number
- noun Date: circa 1911 a complex number (as 2 + 3i) in which the coefficient of the imaginary unit is not zero — called also imaginary — compare pure imaginary
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
imaginary number — n. a complex number in the form a + bi where b is not zero: when a is zero, it is a pure imaginary number … English World dictionary
Imaginary Number — [dt. »imaginäre Zahl«], komplexe Zahlen … Universal-Lexikon
Imaginary number — In mathematics, an imaginary number (or purely imaginary number) is a complex number whose squared value is a real number not greater than zero.Ahlfors, Lars V. Complex Analysis. 3rd Ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 1979. Pages 1 4.] The imaginary unit … Wikipedia
imaginary number — noun (mathematics) a number of the form a+bi where a and b are real numbers and i is the square root of 1 • Syn: ↑complex number, ↑complex quantity, ↑imaginary • Topics: ↑mathematics, ↑math, ↑maths … Useful english dictionary
imaginary number — Math. Also called imaginary, pure imaginary number. a complex number having its real part equal to zero. [1905 10] * * * Any number of the form a + bi where a and b are real numbers, i is the square root of 1, and b is not zero. If a is zero, the … Universalium
imaginary number — noun A number of the form ai, where a is a real number and i = minus;1; a complex number whose real part is zero. Syn: purely imaginary number … Wiktionary
imaginary number — /ɪˌmædʒənəri ˈnʌmbə/ (say i.majuhnuhree numbuh) noun the square root of a negative number; thus √ ̅1̅ is an imaginary number, denoted by i, and so i2 = 1 …
imaginary number — imag′inary num′ber n. math. a complex number having its real part equal to zero • Etymology: 1905–10 … From formal English to slang
pure imaginary number — noun an imaginary number of the form a+bi where a is 0 • Hypernyms: ↑complex number, ↑complex quantity, ↑imaginary number, ↑imaginary • Hyponyms: ↑imaginary part, ↑imaginary part of a complex number * * * Math … Useful english dictionary
purely imaginary number — noun An imaginary number … Wiktionary