
adjective Etymology: French & Late Latin; French insipide, from Late Latin insipidus, from Latin in- + sapidus savory, from sapere to tastemore at sage Date: 1609 1. lacking taste or savor ; tasteless <
insipid food
2. lacking in qualities that interest, stimulate, or challenge ; dull, flat <
insipid prose
insipidity nouninsipidly adverb Synonyms: insipid, vapid, flat, jejune, banal, inane mean devoid of qualities that make for spirit and character. insipid implies a lack of sufficient taste or savor to please or interest <
an insipid romance with platitudes on every page
. vapid suggests a lack of liveliness, force, or spirit <
an exciting story given a vapid treatment
. flat applies to things that have lost their sparkle or zest <
although well-regarded in its day, the novel now seems flat
. jejune suggests a lack of rewarding or satisfying substance <
a jejune and gassy speech
. banal stresses the complete absence of freshness, novelty, or immediacy <
a banal tale of unrequited love
. inane implies a lack of any significant or convincing quality <
an inane interpretation of the play

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Insipid — In*sip id, a. [L. insipidus; pref. in not + sapidus savory, fr. sapere to taste: cf. F. insipide. See {Savor}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Wanting in the qualities which affect the organs of taste; without taste or savor; vapid; tasteless; as, insipid… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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