
noun Etymology: Russian intelligentsiya, from Latin intelligentia intelligence Date: 1907 intellectuals who form an artistic, social, or political vanguard or elite

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • intelligentsia — [ ɛ̃teliʒɛnsja; inteligɛnsja ] n. f. VAR. intelligentzia • 1920; mot russe, « intelligence », 1901 1 ♦ Hist. La classe des intellectuels, dans la Russie tsariste. Le mouvement nihiliste a recruté la plupart de ses adeptes dans les rangs de l… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Intelligentsia — Intelligentsia, (du polonais inteligencja, en russe : интеллигенция), est une classe sociale engagée dans un travail de création et de dissémination de la culture, accompagnée par les artistes et les enseignants. Au XXIe siècle, le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • intelligentsia — n. an educated and intellectual[2] elite; intellectuals, collectively or considered as a class. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • intelligentsia — the intellectual class collectively, 1905, from Rus. intelligyentsia, from L. intelligentia (see INTELLIGENCE (Cf. intelligence)). Perhaps via It. intelligenzia …   Etymology dictionary

  • intelligentsia — is a singular noun meaning ‘the class of intellectuals regarded as possessing culture and political initiative’. The form of the word is Russian, and it was originally applied disparagingly in pre revolutionary Russia. In a weakened sense, it… …   Modern English usage

  • intelligentsia — ► NOUN (treated as sing. or pl. ) ▪ intellectuals or highly educated people, regarded as possessing culture and political influence …   English terms dictionary

  • intelligentsia — [in tel′ə jent′sē ə; ] esp. formerly [, in tel′əgent′sē ə] pl.n. [Russ intelligentsiya < L intelligentia: see INTELLIGENCE] [also with sing. v.] the people regarded as, or regarding themselves as, the educated and enlightened class;… …   English World dictionary

  • Intelligentsia — For the coffee shop company, often called Intelligentsia, for short, see Intelligentsia Coffee Tea. The intelligentsia (from Russian: [http://www.m intelligentsia] on Merriam Webster Online]… …   Wikipedia

  • Intelligentsia —    The term derives from the Russian word intelligentsiia, which denotes a social class of people engaged in mental and creative labor directed at disseminating knowledge and cultural values. In the Russian imperial, Soviet, and post Soviet… …   Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation

  • Intelligentsia — La intelligentsia[1] o, en caracteres castellanos, inteliguentsia (del Latín intelligentia) es una clase social compuesta por personas involucradas en complejas actividades mentales y creativas orientadas al desarrollo y la diseminación de la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • intelligentsia — Nowadays this term is loosely applied to any educated stratum of society normally including intellectuals and managers which has an interest in ideas. Historically, the use of the term has been more restricted, and although its origins are… …   Dictionary of sociology

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