- intermediate vector boson
- noun Date: 1968 any of three particles that mediate the weak force — called also intermediate boson — compare W particle, Z particle
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
intermediate (vector) boson — n. Particle Physics WEAKON * * * … Universalium
intermediate (vector) boson — n. Particle Physics WEAKON … English World dictionary
intermediate (vector) boson — n. Particle Physics WEAKON … English World dictionary
intermediate vector boson — noun a gauge boson that mediates weak interactions between particles • Hypernyms: ↑gauge boson * * * noun : any of the three particles that mediate the weak force see w herein z 1 herein * * * Physics. one of the three particles that are believed … Useful english dictionary
intermediate vector boson — tarpinis vektorinis bozonas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. intermediate vector boson vok. intermediäres Vektorboson, n rus. промежуточный векторный бозон, m pranc. boson vectoriel intermédiaire, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
intermediate vector boson — Physics. one of the three particles that are believed to transmit the weak force: the positively charged W particle, the negatively charged W particle, and the neutral Z0 particle. [1965 70] * * * type of boson associated with the… … Universalium
intermediate vector boson — noun Any of the three fundamental particles (the two W bosons and the Z boson) that transmit the weak nuclear force and have a mass about 100 times that of a proton … Wiktionary
intermediate vector boson — interme′diate vec′tor bo son n. phs one of the three particles that transmit the weak force: the two W particles, one positively and one negatively charged, and the neutral Z zero particle • Etymology: 1965–70 … From formal English to slang
Vector boson — A vector boson is a boson with spin equal to one unit of hbar (Planck s constant divided by 2 pi). In elementary particle physics, the vector bosons currently considered to be fundamental particles are all gauge bosons. The most familiar vector… … Wikipedia
intermediate boson — or intermediate vector boson, = W particle. (Cf. ↑W particle) … Useful english dictionary