
adverb Date: before 12th century 1. in the innermost being ; mentally, spiritually 2. a. beneath the surface ; internally <
bled inwardly
b. to oneself ; privately <
cursed inwardly

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Inwardly — In ward*ly, adv. [AS. inweardlice.] [1913 Webster] 1. In the inner parts; internally. [1913 Webster] Let Benedick, like covered fire, Consume away in sighs, waste inwardly. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Toward the center; inward; as, to curve inwardly …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • inwardly — [in′wərd′lē] adv. [ME inwardlich < OE inweardlic: see INWARD & LY2] 1. in or on the inside; internally 2. in the mind or spirit [inwardly resentful] 3. toward the inside …   English World dictionary

  • inwardly — index herein, wherein Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • inwardly — O.E. inweardlice; see INWARD (Cf. inward) + LY (Cf. ly) (2) …   Etymology dictionary

  • inwardly — /in weuhrd lee/, adv. 1. in or on, or with reference to, the inside or inner part; internally. 2. privately; secretly: Inwardly, he disliked his guest. 3. within the self; mentally or spiritually: Look inwardly to discover the truth. 4. in low or …   Universalium

  • inwardly — in•ward•ly [[t]ˈɪn wərd li[/t]] adv. 1) in or on the inside or inner part; internally 2) privately; secretly: Inwardly, he disliked his guest[/ex] 3) within the self; mentally or spiritually: to stay inwardly calm[/ex] 4) in low or soft tones;… …   From formal English to slang

  • inwardly — /ˈɪnwədli / (say inwuhdlee) adverb 1. towards or within the inside or inner part. 2. within one s thoughts or feelings; privately: but inwardly he was pleased. 3. not aloud or openly: inwardly she was laughing wildly …  

  • inwardly — adverb In an inward manner; on the inside or to ones self. Jacob groaned inwardly when he was called on to answer the question …   Wiktionary

  • inwardly — adv. Inwardly is used with these verbs: ↑curse, ↑flinch, ↑fume, ↑grimace, ↑groan, ↑laugh, ↑marvel, ↑rage, ↑seethe, ↑shudder, ↑sigh, ↑wince …   Collocations dictionary

  • inwardly — adverb inwardly, George blamed himself Syn: inside, internally, within, deep down (inside), in one s heart (of hearts); privately, secretly, confidentially; literary inly …   Thesaurus of popular words

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