- -itious
adjective suffix
Etymology: Latin -icius, -itius
of, relating to, or having the characteristics of <excrementitious>
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
-itious — [ish′əs] [L icius, itius] suffix forming adjectives of, having the nature of, characterized by: used in forming adjectives corresponding to nouns ending in ITION [nutritious, seditious] … English World dictionary
-itious — a compound suffix occurring in adjectives of Latin origin (adventitious) and with adjectives, formed in Latin or English, associated with nouns ending in ition (ambitious; expeditious). Cf. ite2, ous. [ < L icius or icius (as in ADVENTITIOUS);… … Universalium
-itious — itious1 suffix forming adjectives corresponding to nouns ending in ition (such as ambitious corresponding to ambition). Origin from L. itiosus. itious2 suffix (forming adjectives) related to; having the nature of: fictitious. Origin from late L.… … English new terms dictionary
-itious — i·tious … English syllables
-itious — aff. a suffix occurring in adjectives borrowed from Latin, usu. formed from Latin past participles adventitious; fictitious[/ex] and in adjectives formed in English on the Latin model adscititious; expeditious[/ex] • Etymology: < ML ītius,… … From formal English to slang
-itious — an adjective suffix occurring in adjectives associated with nouns in ition, as expeditious, etc. {Latin icius, īcius} …
-itious — 1. suffix forming adjectives corresponding to nouns in ition (ambitious; suppositious). Etymology: L itio etc. + OUS 2. suffix forming adjectives meaning related to, having the nature of (adventitious; supposititious). Etymology: L icius + OUS,… … Useful english dictionary
artifactitious — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌfak|tishəs adjective Etymology: artifact + itious (as in factitious : artifactual * * * /ahr teuh fak tish euhs/, adj. of, pertaining to, or of the nature of an artifact. [ARTIFACT + ITIOUS] … Useful english dictionary
-ious — suffix forming adjectives meaning characterized by, full of , often corresponding to nouns in ion (cautious; curious; spacious). Etymology: from or after F ieux f. L iosus * * * adjective suffix Etymology: Middle English, partly from Old French… … Useful english dictionary
Vermiculite — Infobox mineral name = Vermiculite category = boxwidth = boxbgcolor = caption = formula = (MgFe,Al)3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2·4H2O color = Bronze Yellow habit = Clay, scaly, aggregate system = Monoclinic twinning = cleavage = Perfect fracture = Uneven… … Wikipedia