Kallikrein — 1 Bändermodell nach PDB … Deutsch Wikipedia
kallikrein — [kal΄i krē′in] n. any of a group of proteolytic enzymes in the blood, urine, etc. that release a kinin from various globulins * * * … Universalium
kallikrein — [kal΄i krē′in] n. any of a group of proteolytic enzymes in the blood, urine, etc. that release a kinin from various globulins … English World dictionary
Kallikrein — Kallikreins (tissue and plasma kallikrein) are peptidases (enzymes that cleave peptide bonds in proteins), a subgroup of the serine protease family.FunctionsThey liberate kinins (BK and KD) from the kininogens. [Oikonomopoulou, K., Hansen, K.K.,… … Wikipedia
Kallikrein — Kal|li|kre|in [griech. kallíkreas = Bauchspeicheldrüse (eigtl. = schönes Fleisch); ↑ in (3)], das; s, e; Syn.: (internat. Freiname:) Kallidinogenase: Sammelbez. für aus inaktiven Vorstufen (Kallikreinogene als Zymogene) proteolytisch freigesetzte … Universal-Lexikon
Kallikrein-related peptidase 4 — Größe … Deutsch Wikipedia
kallikrein — Plasma serine proteases normally present as inactive prekallikreins which are activated by Hagemann factor. Act on kininogens to produce kinins. Contain an apple domain … Dictionary of molecular biology
kallikrein — noun Any of a set of peptidases, a subgroup of the serine protease family … Wiktionary
kallikrein — A group of enzymes ( e.g., plasma, tissue, pancreatic, urinary, submandibular k.) that can convert kininogen by proteolysis to bradykinin or kallidin; trypsin and … Medical dictionary
Kallikrein — Kalli|krei̱n [zu gr. ϰαλλιϰρεας = Bauchspeicheldrüse; eigtl. = schönes Fleisch] s; s: hormonartiger Wirkstoff der Bauchspeicheldrüse von blutdrucksenkender Wirkung u. Funktion … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke