
adjective Date: 15th century 1. a. sunk to the knees <
knee-deep in mud
b. deeply engaged or occupied <
knee-deep in work
2. knee-high

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Knee-deep — a. 1. Rising to the knees; knee high; as, water or snow knee deep. [1913 Webster] Grass knee deep within a month. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Sunk to the knees; as, men knee deep in water. [1913 Webster] Where knee deep the trees were standing. Lo …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • knee-deep — adj 1.) deep enough to reach your knees knee deep in ▪ knee deep in mud ▪ knee deep in snow 2.) [not before noun] informal having a lot of something knee deep in ▪ knee deep in work …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • knee-deep — adjective 1. ) deep enough to reach your knees: The snow was almost knee deep. a ) standing in something that reaches your knees: We were knee deep in water. 2. ) if you are knee deep in work or problems, you have a lot of work or problems …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • knee-deep — knee′ deep′ adj. 1) reaching the knees: knee deep mud[/ex] 2) submerged or covered up to the knees: knee deep in water[/ex] 3) deeply embroiled; enmeshed; involved: knee deep in trouble[/ex] • Etymology: 1525–35 …   From formal English to slang

  • knee-deep — • knee deep • neck deep adv or adj. phr. 1. Very much; deeply; having a big part in. Johnny was knee deep in trouble. 2. Very busy; working hard at. We were neck deep in homework before the exams. 3. Getting or having many or much. The television …   Словарь американских идиом

  • knee-deep — [nē′dēp′] adj. 1. sunk to the knees [standing knee deep in water] 2. so deep as to reach to the knees [knee deep mud] 3. very much involved or concerned …   English World dictionary

  • knee-deep — 1530s, from KNEE (Cf. knee) (n.) + DEEP (Cf. deep) (adj.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • knee-deep — 1) ADJ Something that is knee deep is as high as your knees. The water was only knee deep. ...knee deep snow. 2) ADJ: v link ADJ in n, ADJ after v If a person or a place is knee deep in something such as water, the level of the water comes up to… …   English dictionary

  • knee-deep — /nee deep /, adj. 1. reaching the knees: knee deep mud. 2. submerged or covered up to the knees: knee deep in water. 3. deeply embroiled; enmeshed; involved: knee deep in trouble. [1525 35] * * * …   Universalium

  • knee-deep — UK / US adjective 1) a) deep enough to reach your knees The snow was almost knee deep. b) standing in something that reaches your knees We were knee deep in water. 2) if you are knee deep in work or problems, you have a lot of work or problems …   English dictionary

  • knee-deep — or[neck deep] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Very much; deeply; having a big part in. * /Johnny was knee deep in trouble./ 2. Very busy; working hard at. * /We were neck deep in homework before the exams./ 3. Getting or having many or much. * /The… …   Dictionary of American idioms

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