
noun (plural kouroi) Etymology: Greek kouros, koros boymore at crescent Date: 1920 an ancient Greek statue of a nude male youth standing with the left leg forward and arms at the sides

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • kouros — [ kuros ] n. m. • 1934; couros 1930; mot gr. « jeune garçon » ♦ Arts Statue grecque archaïque représentant un jeune homme (cf. Korê). Des kouros. ● kouros, kouroi ou couros nom masculin (grec kouros, jeune homme) Statue de jeune homme nu, debout …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • kouros — CÚ / s. n. statuie antică grecească reprezentând un tânăr atlet nud, în poziţie frontală, cu braţele întinse pe lângă corp şi cu un picior puţin scos înainte. (< fr., gr. kouros) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN …   Dicționar Român

  • kouros — [ko͞o′rō̂s] n. pl. kouroi [ko͞o′roi] [Gr] a statue of a nude male youth in a standing position, from the archaic period of Greek art (620 500 B.C. ) …   English World dictionary

  • Kouros — Münchner Kouros, Glyptothek (München) Ein Kouros (auch: Kuros; Plural Kouroi) ist in der griechischen Kunst der Archaik die Statue eines jungen Mannes, das männliche Pendant zur Kore. Während die Kore in der Regel mit einem …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kouros — Tête d’un kouros au musée national archéologique d Athènes. Un kouros (pluriel kouroï[1]) est la statue d un jeune homme, datant de la période archaïque de la sculpture grecque (de 650 à 500) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Kouros — A kouros (plural kouroi) is a representation of a male youth, especially those dating from the Archaic period in Greece (about 650 BC to about 500 BC) and especially plastic (artistic sense), notably free standing Greek sculpture in stone… …   Wikipedia

  • kouros — /koor os/, n., pl. kouroi /koor oy/. Gk. Antiq. a sculptured representation of a young man, esp. one produced prior to the 5th century B.C. [1915 20; < Gk koûros, dial. var. of KÓROS boy; cf. KORE] * * * Archaic Greek statue representing a… …   Universalium

  • kouros — noun /ˈkuːɹɒs/ a sculpture of a naked youth in Ancient Greece, the male equivalent of a kore. , 1974: A redstone kouros from Sounion, this strapping young Amsterdammer, translated into the slenderer grace of the modern graminivore. Guy Davenport …   Wiktionary

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